Liquid wallpaper in the interior of roomsTsugunov Anton Valerievich Reading time: 4 minutes There is a long-awaited addition to the family - a baby. Many parents prepare for this event in advance. Getting it right is a complex and responsible task. And the right choice of wallpaper plays an important role in this. Options ve Read more "

Sky blue wallpaper: design featuresIt just so happens that in different rooms of the apartment the role of blue wallpaper is completely different. Therefore, they should be used in one or another part of the home carefully and only after a detailed study of the room and interior planning. The point is that there is no Read more "

Sky blue wallpaper: design featuresBlue wallpaper is beneficial not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical point of view. They will help you calm down and relax comfortably after a busy day at work. The blue background serves as a source of light in the room, contributing to the visual increase of limited space Read more "