Why is sphagnum so remarkable? Its value in nature is enormous. After all, it is moss that creates swamps. That's right - not just living in a swamp, but creating them! From sphagnum, the reserves of such valuable natural wealth as peat are also formed to a very large extent.

Sphagnum (Sphagnum, sphagnum, peat moss, white moss) is a perennial bog moss that forms the so-called sphagnum bogs.
Its peculiarity is that it actually has no roots - its lower part gradually dies off and turns into peat, while the upper part continues to grow.

Sphagnum properties

  • Amazing hygroscopicity
  • Excellent breathability
  • Antibacterial properties
  • Sphagnum contains no nutrients and is acidic (pH about 3.0).
  • According to reports, sphagnum itself is not susceptible to any disease.

The use of sphagnum

  • Log cabins
  • Transportation of root crops
  • Floristics
  • Medicine
  • Detergents and disinfectants
  • Floriculture
It is not at all useless to know about the most beneficial properties of sphagnum moss for everyone who is in nature - mushroom pickers, tourists. Anything can happen. And it is not always possible to get medical help quickly. But you can start treatment right in the forest, if you know how it's done.

Sphagnum moss will stop the bleeding from the wound. Water squeezed from a bunch of sphagnum will be useful to wash the burn. Or attach moss to the burnt place. Under the splint applied to a broken arm or leg, it is very good to put a small pillow of their sphagnum - this will alleviate the pain and help to avoid swelling.

To eliminate bad smell from shoes, it is enough to put a few stalks of sphagnum there as insoles. By the way, this will help to cope with such a difficult-to-treat disease as foot fungus!

The water flowing from the sphagnum bog can be drunk without fear. It is usually dark, because it is infused with peat. But there are no pathogens in it - a biological filter made of sphagnum mosses tried!

Sphagnum moss is also used in the construction of wooden buildings. Logging logs are laid on it (as well as on kukushkin flax). Due to the peculiarities of its structure, moss has a low thermal conductivity and reliably insulates the interior from the cold outside. Sphagnum moss also disinfects logs from pests (for example, from a fungus).

Moss is laid as follows. A bunch of moss is taken, loosened a little and placed on logs. Then it needs to be pressed a little with the palm of your hand. The next portion of moss is laid so as to overlap the previous bunch of centimeters by five. The thickness of the moss layer should be about one and a half centimeters.

How to collect moss

  1. To collect moss, it is better to choose a non-marshy area, the most suitable place for collecting moss is near trees, where the moss is the least watery
  2. There are two ways to collect sphagnum:
    completely extracting it along with the roots (this way it turns out to be larger in volume, but it requires a long thorough cleaning);
    cutting off the upper surface part with a knife - it turns out smaller, longer, but better.
  3. Sphagnum moss can be collected and stacked in bunches
  4. Harvesting of sphagnum is done mainly by hand. For harvesting, places are selected where moss desired type as free from plant impurities as possible
  5. Moss is collected selectively, in "trenches" 20-30 cm wide with the same gaps between them, left untouched. This allows the moss to gradually recover in the collection areas. Re-harvesting in this area is possible only after 7-10 years
  6. For medicinal purposes, the entire living part of sphagnum is used and harvested. Harvesting is carried out from May to September in dry sunny weather.

To collect sphagnum you will need:

  • Rubber boots
  • Plastic bags
  • Band-aid (the number of cuts can be large - I know from my own experience! And mostly not from a knife, but from sedge, which often grows through sphagnum).
  • Gloves (they are not so comfortable to work in, but they still protect the hands)

moss drying

Drying moss on hangers is the most suitable way to dry moss. Moss, hung on a hanger, is well blown, while maintaining its elasticity. Hanging, made from trunks, small trees.

A - support legs

B - jibs for rack stability

B - a place for laying moss

Hung, placed under a canopy, covering the moss from rain, fog and sun.

Keeping Sphagnum Alive

To keep sphagnum alive, it must be stored in closed plastic bags in frost or cold (refrigerator or freezer), we store it outside. When needed, unfreeze it and it will come to life! Everything is like in nature! You can also grow moss: cut off the green parts of the moss and put them in a pan with wet peat, remembering to water constantly. They say it looks great! :)

Moss - to help the gardener

Both gardeners, and especially those who grow houseplants, often use this swamp moss. Lovers of rare orchids cannot do without it at all.

And those who go on vacation can entrust the "watering" of flowers to sphagnum - it is enough to wet the moss and put it over a plant in a pot. The soil will remain moist for a long time.

The housewives used this moss to germinate seeds, and gardeners have adopted this experience. And for good rooting of the cuttings, chopped sphagnum stalks can be mixed into the soil.

But it’s not worth using peat from a sphagnum bog in the garden and in the garden! Indeed, due to the abundance of organic acids, such peat strongly acidifies the soil, which is unacceptable for most cultivated plants.

White sphagnum moss is quite popular with amateur gardeners. This is due, first of all, to its feature to absorb a sufficiently large amount of moisture and retain it for a long time, without any harm to its tissue base. The presence of natural antiseptic substances in the tissues of sphagnum turns it into a good natural antiseptic, so it is no coincidence that for the transportation of seedlings, shrubs and flower crops, the roots of trees and shrubs are wrapped with wet moss for long distances.

Many gardeners use sphagnum for storage of excavated tubers various horticultural crops. To do this, it is enough to dig up the tubers of plants, free them from the ground and small roots, dry them and wrap them with wet pieces of moss. Put all the resulting lumps in a cardboard box and put in a dark, cool place. This is enough to keep the tubers fresh and whole until a new planting.

Gardeners use sphagnum as natural fighter of various fungal diseases, powdery mildew, for the destruction of slugs, pests and snails. To do this, it is enough to insist a few kilograms of sphagnum in ordinary water, strain the resulting composition and spray the affected bushes, flowers, or tree trunks several times in the evening. This treatment will be enough for one season. To destroy slugs, or snails, it is enough to treat their places of accumulation with the same liquid.

IN last years became very popular use of sphagnum as a natural substrate for the manufacture of hanging baskets, cache-pot, or carved wooden pots for flowers and various plants. Pieces of sphagnum cut to size are used as drainage, which only need to be soaked before use. Such impromptu garden additions, to landscape design in the form of various figured pots, with always fresh and flowering plants, they will be a good addition to any garden plot.

Sphagnum (peat moss) is a swamp plant, a genus of moss from which peat is formed. Due to its low thermal conductivity, sphagnum is used in the construction industry as an insulating material. When dry, sphagnum mosses can absorb about 20 times their own weight in water, which is 4 times the capacity of absorbent cotton. Thanks to this, the moss got its name - "sphagnos", which in Greek means "sponge".

For a long time he occupied a place both in the animal and in the choir. It is widely available and has many uses. However, while sphagnum moss seems to be everywhere, surprisingly little is known about it. Let's take a ride down Moss Lane and explore the natural history of sphagnum moss and what it can do for you.

Sphagnum is a genus of moss with over 100 species found worldwide. Sphagnum moss is known for its ability to retain water - even dead sphagnum moss can hold a huge volume of water. This allows the sphagnum to slowly grow from wetter areas onto previously dry ground and create swamps. In these swamps, generations of sphagnum grow on top of each other, forming dense mats that can be several feet thick!

There are several main groups of mosses, one of them is green mosses. In many forests it is very common to find green “cuckoo flax” moss, it is very brightly colored, has a bright green color, and you will not confuse it with, for example, sphagnum moss. Sphagnum in nature is more lightly colored than green mosses and has a light green color, and when dried it is almost white, which is why it is called white moss.

Sphagnum creates a low pH environment leading to anaerobic conditions that reduce and greatly slow down the breakdown process. In this natural antibacterial environment, the decomposition process can take ages! In the past, this characteristic of sphagnum caused ancient peoples to use sphagnum bogs as a kind of primitive refrigerator, storing meat and other foods in the sphagnum bog. Sphagnum has also been used for wounds in the recent past.

Application in crop production

The best part about sphagnum moss is that it grows! Sphagnum is a renewable resource - depending on location, sphagnum will grow 8-22 years after harvest. This means that sphagnum is a green substrate, in both senses of the word!

Mosses are found on all continents of our planet, but most of the species still live in the northern hemisphere. For example, sphagnum moss is found from the subtropics to the polar regions, but most of all in the temperate zone. It is best to look for sphagnum in a raised bog.

An upland swamp is formed when surface water stagnates on flat depressions in watersheds. The water of such a swamp is sharply acidic, tea-colored, rich in humus components, poor in minerals. Vegetation characteristic of raised bogs is wild rosemary, cotton grass, cranberry and sphagnum moss, in the north - dwarf birch. Raised bogs often have a convex shape, because moss grows faster in the middle part of the bog.

Sphagnum moss for dressing and disinfection

Can be used as a top dressing on potted plants to help retain moisture. It can also be used for linear hanging baskets for outdoor installations to prevent soil loss. Sphagnum moss will retain moisture, keeping the soil moist and can even be used as a substrate for carnivorous plants and cuttings. Sphagnum moss is a vital part of any naturalistic vivarium. Placed above the soil layer and below the leaf litter layer, the sphagnum moss mimics the layer of decomposed plant material found just above the soil layer in a tropical jungle.

If you get to the raised swamp, then you will not confuse sphagnum with any other plant. It covers huge areas with a very soft bright green carpet. But do not fall on it, because there is water below and you can get pretty wet.

Unlike many other mosses, sphagnum has no roots, so it grows very densely and one plant supports another. If you take one branch of sphagnum, you will see that only the upper part of the plant is alive. Next comes the whitish part, and the lower part of the moss gradually dies off. Indeed, sphagnum moss grows every year with its top, and the lower part dies off, but does not rot, because below, firstly, there is not enough oxygen, and secondly, the moss itself releases substances that prevent decay, which have bactericidal properties. It is these substances that are mainly used and used in medicine. So, the lower part does not die off, but forms a substance called peat.

Sphagnum moss keeps dirt away from your vivarium residents and also contributes to a wetter soil layer while providing beneficial microfauna. Sphagnum moss can also be used as a standalone substrate for quarantine or temporary fences. This natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, combined with its ability to hold vast amounts of water, makes sphagnum moss an ideal temporary substrate for wet amphibians. Sphagnum moss also makes a great substrate for wet hides, providing much-needed moisture for a wide range of reptiles and aiding in the molting process.

Many people know what peat is. Firstly, peat is a fuel, and it is primarily used for this purpose, but peat is also known to gardeners and gardeners. It is added to the soil, seedlings are grown in it. And also peat is a chemical raw material from which a variety of substances are produced, including medical alcohol.

Useful properties of sphagnum moss

From a medical point of view, sphagnum has three very important properties. Firstly, it is highly hygroscopic, that is, the ability to absorb moisture. For comparison: the same volume of sphagnum and cotton wool will absorb different amounts of moisture. If you measure these data, it turns out that sphagnum absorbs 20-25 times more moisture than cotton wool. The second property of sphagnum is its breathability, even when wet, this moss passes air very well, while cotton wool, for example, sticks together and forms a kind of crust. And the third property is antibacterial, but first things first.

Where is sphagnum moss used, what is it used for?

Many people need a lush, lively pile of moss in their vivarium - if that's the case, sphagnum moss isn't for you! Check out our blog for tips on creating your lush green moss oasis! What are different kinds sphagnum moss? Sphagnum moss is available in a wide range of different qualities and types. Canadian sphagnum moss tends to be cheap and full of sticks and other debris. This is the kind of moss you are most likely to encounter at large garden centers or home improvement stores and is not suitable for use with animals.

The ability to absorb a huge amount of moisture is due to the cellular structure of this moss. If you look at a leaf of moss under a microscope, you can see that in addition to the usual green cells that contain chlorophyll and in which, just like in any other green plant, photosynthesis occurs, there are special air cells. They will be dead and their shells will be quite dense. If you take dry moss and examine it, then these cells will be filled with air, but when we soak it, these cells are filled with water and are able to hold a huge amount of moisture.

Sphagnum moss is also used in other ways

Chilean sphagnum moss is of moderate quality, still containing debris but relatively clean. New Zealand sphagnum moss is widely regarded as the highest quality, most preferred sphagnum moss. Mostly litter-free, New Zealand Sphagnum Moss is a great option for use in naturalistic vivariums and container gardens, and is what we wear on Josh's Frogs. We have also decided to carry a higher grade of New Zealand Sphagnum than usual - only the best for you and for you!

High hygroscopicity allows the use of sphagnum as a dressing. It absorbs huge amounts of blood, pus and other fluids. Moreover, it was used not only during the war, but now doctors are increasingly resorting to this remedy. But unlike cotton wool, for example, sphagnum also has antibacterial and disinfecting properties. The antibacterial, disinfectant and even antifungal properties of sphagnum are due to the substances that make up its composition. First of all, it is a phenol-like substance called ‘sphagnol’. In other plants, this substance was not isolated, only in sphagnum, and, of course, humic or sphagnic acids that exhibit antibiotic properties.

Sphagnum is one of the most important plant genera in the world. The use of the word "plant" rather than "bryophyte" in the previous sentence is both deliberate and correct. Sphagnum covers more of the earth's surface of the world than any other genus of a single plant. Sphagnum is one of the few bryophyte genera capable of dominating an ecosystem, and does so by creating conditions that keep other plants in check.

There are probably between 100 and 300 species of sphagnum in the world. There is some plasticity in the shape of the gametophyte, depending on the environmental conditions in which it grows. This means that many of the species that have been described will undoubtedly become mere variants of other species. There is still much work on Sphagnum taxonomy, and Sphagnum species in some parts of the world are very little studied. This species, one of a kind, is endemic to Tasmania and was once included in the genus Sphagnum.

For a long time they tried to find out what is the best solvent for these substances, how best to extract them from plants. We used a variety of substances - water, ethanol, ether, but found that the best solvent is ordinary distilled water. It is this property of water to work as a solvent and absorb all the beneficial substances contained in sphagnum that allows some experts to assert that marsh water is the purest water in the forest. Therefore, when you find yourself in a forest near a raised bog and find dark, unpleasant-looking water, do not be afraid, most likely you can drink it, but it is advisable to boil it thoroughly before that.

Sphagnum is associated with wet habitats, and there are various terms for wetland environments: swamps, foehn, bog, bog, to name a few examples. In ecological work, these terms have precise definitions, but some of them are also used more freely in everyday speech. The photo also shows the range of colors that can be seen in different types of sphagnum, from green to reddish brown. There are many printed links and internet sites that give information about Sphagnum.

The following links have provided most of the information on this web page. They provide most of the basic information needed for an introduction to Sphagnum, are quite recent and have good bibliographies. Sphagnum grows in very wet areas, in pools of water or where there is seepage, and is able to grow well in stagnant, nutrient poor areas. Sphagnum is especially common in the northern part of Eurasia and in the north North America, where glacial action has led to the creation of numerous reservoirs.

The bactericidal properties of sphagnum can be used not only for cuts, but also for burns and frostbite.

Many people know what to do in case of a fracture, say, of a limb. It is necessary to apply a splint and transport the patient to a medical facility. But few people know that the tire cannot be placed directly on the body. Some kind of softening pad is needed and in this case sphagnum is ideal. In addition to softening possible impacts and friction between the tire and the skin, it also acts as a disinfectant if there is any surface damage.

Australia has numerous Sphagnum wetlands in the alpine and subalpine regions of Tasmania and southeastern mainland Australia, but the genus is also found in many other areas of Australia. The following map shows the distribution of the genus in Australia and has been compiled from the information provided in the publication referenced in the first link on this page.

Sphagnum moss for propagation of flowers and houseplants

In Australia, the genus is found from alpine heights to near sea level. Sphagnum plants usually grow in carpet-like communities, sometimes with several species growing together. Such a carpet consists of numerous vertically oriented leafy stems with a density of 1-7 stems per square centimeter, depending on the species. At the top of each stem is a cluster of crowded branches called capitula, with more sparse side branches on the lower stem. As shown in the picture at the top of this page.

There is evidence that sphagnum has been used as a dressing since the 11th century, and possibly even earlier. But in our 21st century modern medicine comes to the conclusion that sphagnum is more effective tool than, for example, cotton wool and the production of sphagnum-gauze tampons is resumed. For this, the sphagnum is additionally sterilized and impregnated with a solution boric acid which further enhances its antibacterial properties. But at home, you can use non-sterilized sphagnum.

The composition and medicinal properties of sphagnum

This image shows a side view of the Sphagnum plant, and here is a great view of the tops of several Sphagnum plants. The stems constantly grow up their tops, and as the stems grow, more and more of the lower stems burrow. Light penetrates only a short distance into the Sphagnum carpet, so photosynthesis is limited mainly to the capitula. Part of the underside of the sphagnum plant is still alive and capable of creating new shoots, for example if the growing top of the main stem is damaged.

A huge number of various microorganisms fly around us in the air, including staphylococcus aureus. So it is safe and harmless for us, but as soon as our immunity weakens a little, it immediately sits on our skin and begins to multiply, thereby bringing a lot of trouble. How to avoid it, and how to deal with it? Peat water is ideal for this. Simply wring out the moss collected in the swamp and wash the affected areas with this water. Or apply wet moss to the place where you have a similar infection.

Sphagnum moss: use for indoor plants as an earthen component

However, much of the lower stem is dead, though still connected to the capitulation. When you look down at the surface of the Sphagnum carpet you see. Given that the sphagnum plant is constantly growing at the top and the lower parts are dying, the capitula is described as "forever young". The sphagnum plant is potentially immortal and there is evidence of sphagnum plants growing for a thousand or more years.

Like individual plants, a Sphagnum colony can expand by adding plants through sexual or vegetative reproduction. A study of the growth of sphagnum colonies on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea found annual radial growth rates from half a centimeter to 13 centimeters with an average of 6 centimeters. Eleven Sphagnum species were included in the study, but the large variations in annual growth rates were not entirely species dependent. The two species described as having the most stable growth habits tend to show the highest annual growth rates.

In addition, you can take a bath with sphagnum. To do this, the sphagnum is cut into small pieces, poured hot water 70 - 80 ° C, allow to cool and then pour the infusion into the bath. But, keep in mind that taking such a bath increases sweating and after that you need to wrap yourself in a warm bathrobe or lie under the covers.

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of sphagnum can also be used to combat fungal skin diseases. A great tool is sphagnum insoles. You can make them yourself by simply putting some dried moss in your shoes. Firstly, the insole will be soft, comfortable and sit on the leg, in addition, sphagnum will help to cope with increased sweating and avoid unpleasant odors.

Where does sphagnum moss grow in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus?

However, even for each of these species, there were significant differences in growth rates between different colonies. These differences would reflect the influence of different microacoustic environments on the island. Sphagnum occurs in a wide geographic and altitudinal range, so it's not surprising that different species have different requirements. Some species can tolerate lower nutrient levels than others, others are less light than others, some can tolerate more high levels pH than others, and soon.

The use of sphagnum moss in construction

The special properties of sphagnum make it possible to use this moss not only in medicine, but also in many other areas of human activity, for example, in construction. Surely everyone knows that during the construction wooden houses you need a heater that is placed between the logs. Now in the construction markets there is a huge selection of a wide variety of heaters, including synthetic ones. But if you want your house, bath to stand for many years, then it is best to take sphagnum. Firstly, this moss has a bactericidal property, and the log house will last much longer and will not rot. Secondly, if you are building a bathhouse, then the hygroscopic properties of this moss allow you to smooth out changes in humidity, and this will also help the bathhouse to stand for much longer.

Sphagnum tends to acidify its surroundings. Alkalinity and acidity are measured on the pH scale. A pH value of 0 indicates a strong acidity, a pH of 14 indicates a strong alkalinity, and a pH of 7 indicates a neutral solution. Water in Sphagnum wetlands can reach a pH of as little as 3 - about the same as the pH of orange or grapefruit juice.

An ion is an electrically charged atom or group of atoms. Ions are essential for all life, as in ionic form, many nutrients are transferred to cells and waste products are removed from cells. Acidity is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions. An acid is a substance that forms hydrogen ions when dissolved in water, and the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, the more acidic the substance is and therefore, paradoxically, the lower the pH. Sphagnum cells selectively absorb mineral ions and release hydrogen ions into the surrounding water.

The use of sphagnum in horticulture

Sphagnum moss is not only an assistant in construction, but, one might say, the dream of a grower, especially a lazy one. For example, if you leave home for a long period in the summer, you can put sphagnum soaked in water in flower pots. It will gradually release moisture into the soil and this will keep your plants from wilting. In addition, finely chopped sphagnum is usually mixed with the ground and the finished mixture is used for planting indoor plants. Again, this will allow the ground to stay moist longer.

In addition, sphagnum can also be used for rooting cuttings of indoor plants, as well as some country bushes or shrubs. Sphagnum in this case is moistened or wet sphagnum is taken from nature, finely-finely torn and mixed with the ground. After that, cuttings are planted in this moistened soil. They need to be slightly deepened and left to root. Experiments show that the number of rotting roots with this cultivation will be much less than with any other method.

Most often, sphagnum is used by lovers of orchids and violets. Sometimes even in flower shops, sphagnum moss is sold in small packages. For what? Firstly, it is able to acidify the soil, and this is a necessary condition for the normal cultivation of violets. The more acidic environment, the brighter and prettier the border on the leaves of these plants will be. Orchids, on the other hand, have aerial roots, with the help of which they absorb moisture not from the soil, like other plants, but from the air. These roots must be constantly moistened, because in the tropics where these flowers grow, the humidity is very high. But how can this be achieved in our ordinary city apartment, when our air humidity is always below normal? In this case, the roots of orchids are entangled or covered with fresh sphagnum, which is constantly sprayed with water. If you resorted to this remedy, then you will not need to spray these aerial roots five times a day, it is enough to do this only once.

Dry sphagnum moss can also be used in the summer cottage, for example, in order to cover plants that are afraid of frost. It will perfectly keep heat and will allow your pets not to freeze in the winter. In addition, sphagnum gives such a mineral as peat, which is an excellent fertilizer. Surely, all summer residents who plant seedlings in the spring are familiar with peat pots in which you can plant your seedlings, and then, without transplanting, transfer the plant to the soil along with the pot. The pot will not only rot quickly, but will also give additional fertilizer to the growing roots.

The use of sphagnum in beekeeping and animal husbandry

This amazing plant can be of interest to amateur beekeepers. For example, not many people know that it is possible to make heaters for hives for the winter from pressed dry sphagnum so that the bees do not freeze. And in order to maintain a constant level of humidity inside the hive, moss is used, which is dried in air at room temperature. If such moss is put down under the hive, then it will take away excess moisture and at the same time additionally disinfect the space, which will help to avoid various unpleasant diseases in bees. And, most importantly, with increased dryness of the air, it will begin to give off moisture, and this will allow the honey in the combs not to sugar.

Sphagnum moss can also be used as pet bedding. Moreover, these can be those animals that live in your apartment, for example, in a cage (rats, hamsters, guinea pigs). Sphagnum absorbs odors very well, and in this regard, it can also be used as a filler for your pets' home toilets. Sphagnum can be used as bedding not only for pets, but also for fairly large agricultural ones. In this case, the sphagnum left after work, mixed with the droppings of these animals, will be the best fertilizer.

Collection and storage of sphagnum moss

To collect sphagnum, you will not need any additional technical devices - only hands, possibly gloves and a container where you will put the collected sphagnum. Moss is taken completely from its lower parts to the very top and folded into some kind of bag in which you will carry it to the place of drying. Before drying it, you must first squeeze the sphagnum. The first spin is done by hand, after which the sphagnum is laid out on mesh trays. Drying is done in the open air - in the breeze and in the sun.

Unlike many other medicinal plants, sphagnum can be dried in the sun, it is not at all necessary to hide it in the shade and under the roof. Sphagnum dries for a long time, but it is still not worth using artificial drying, because in this case it will dry unevenly. But the degree of drying depends on how you plan to use it in the future. If it is planned to use for medical purposes, then drying can be almost complete (to a crunch, brittleness). In this case, sphagnum can be stored both in a plastic bag and wrapped in plain paper. If drying is carried out for decorative purposes, for floriculture, then in this case the shoots should remain as long as possible; it is not worth breaking them, and it is for this reason that drying should not be done completely, so that the sphagnum remains slightly damp. It is best to store it wrapped in paper, this will allow it to maintain the degree of humidity characteristic of the surrounding air.

The history of the introduction of sphagnum into the official medical industry is interesting. At the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, sphagnum was packed and sent to all the provinces of Russia. Together with these packages, doctors and paramedics received a special questionnaire in which they had to evaluate the properties of this new dressing material. According to the results, it was revealed that almost all doctors highly appreciated sphagnum, its hygroscopicity, friability and its antibacterial properties.

The properties of sphagnum are really unique, and the plant, in general, is not rare, so the next time you walk through the forest, be sure to collect some of this moss for yourself, bring it home and dry it. You will surely find a use for it.

In swampy areas and near water bodies, a large number of very peculiar representatives of the flora grow. One of the most common and well-known is sphagnum moss (translated from Greek as “Natural Sponge”). It has useful unique characteristics. The fact of birth dates back a very long time - the first pharaoh has not yet been born, and a specific representative of the plant world has been growing on Earth for many hundreds of years.

The culture got its name due to its high hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture.

Swamp sphagnum belongs to the Mossy group. Most representatives of mosses have a bright color, so it is quite easy to distinguish a “sponge” against their background - sphagnum moss looks much paler than its relatives. In the cutting areas, even almost uncolored representatives of the species are often found, the same color is acquired when switching to the dried state.

The lower part of the plant, which does not have roots, gradually turns into peat. The process of decay does not occur, because the composition of the culture includes substances that have strong bactericidal properties.

The structure of sphagnum is similar to the main characteristics of other representatives of the Mossy group. An upright, non-branching plant, whose height is not more than 5 centimeters, does not have a stem. As a result of growth and development, shoots are formed, collected in pillows. The appearance of sphagnum allows you to unambiguously and accurately determine the characteristic species and the name of the culture.

Growth zones

To find places where sphagnum grows, it is enough to determine the most humid areas of the area. Most of all, he loves swampy, shaded and damp areas. Its reproduction contributes to the acceleration of the process of waterlogging of the area. Therefore, it is better to look for sphagnum in a raised bog.

Note. Sphagnum moss breeds in poorly ventilated soil. In order to prevent its large-scale growth on a personal plot, it is necessary to organize high-quality soil ventilation.

Hygroscopic sphagnum moss is most common in temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere. About 42 different species that love wet areas grow on the territory of Russia.

Useful qualities

White moss is a unique substrate with amazing properties. The product most familiar to most people is peat.

First of all, peat is used in the form of a well-known fuel. The second way to use the characteristics of peat is to grow all kinds of seedlings. Peat is an excellent addition to improve soil performance in horticultural areas. Also, peat is a source of chemical raw materials used for the production of substances with different characteristics, the most famous substance from peat is medical alcohol. But this list does not allow to fully evaluate all the characteristics that correctly reflect the facts for which the harvested raw materials are used.

Attention! Cotton wool absorbs 20–25 times less moisture than sphagnum moss, which, even when wet, perfectly passes air through itself.

The unique combination of biological characteristics of sphagnum, with special success used in various areas of human life.

Medical use

In medical practice, biological properties are actively used:

  • high hygroscopicity due to the special structure of each cell of a biological substance;
  • high antibacterial: special substances that make up the plant have high properties to counteract fungi, microbes and others harmful substances important for medicinal products.

These high properties make it possible to use the substance with particular success as a medicine for dressings, which has high-quality antibacterial and disinfecting properties. How can sphagnum medicine be used:

  • with superficial skin lesions (cuts, burns and frostbite);
  • in case of fractures as a high-quality medical pad between the body and the applied splint.

Historical facts show that as early as the 11th century, doctors knew how to use the "natural sponge" in medicine in the treatment of patients.

Construction use

Builders also like the antibacterial and hygroscopic properties of the material. It is used as a heater, which is placed between rows of logs in the construction of wooden log cabins. Despite the large range of high-quality modern materials used in the production of construction work, moss occupies one of the leading places among the highest quality and environmentally friendly insulation that does not allow decay.

Its use prevents smoldering of wooden logs, and its high ability to regulate humidity allows it to be successfully used in the construction of baths, the humidity of which is often high. The culture absorbs excess fumes and prevents the wood from rotting.

Distribution of moss in agriculture

Lovers of bees and livestock breeders were also not spared by the amazing properties of the plant. Biological heaters for hives are made from a compressed dry product. But of particular interest to professionals is the ability to maintain the desired level of humidity.

To do this, the biological material dried at room temperature is laid out under the hive. When the humidity rises, the moss absorbs particles of liquid abundantly accumulated in the air. When lowered, it releases accumulated moisture from its composition, increasing humidity and preventing sugaring, which causes significant harm to the quality of healthy honey.

For pets, the product can be used as a natural filler in the room toilet. Large farm animals will appreciate the high-quality and comfortable hygroscopic bedding, which is sphagnum.

On a note. Sphagnum litter, containing animal waste, is an excellent natural fertilizer.

Application in floriculture

Sphagnum moss for indoor plants is a real lifesaver. It is successfully used by experienced flower growers who want to find the answer to the question of how to grow beautiful and healthy flowers.

Due to its beneficial properties, sphagnum moss is used in the cultivation of indoor plants. Sphagnum in floriculture is used for various purposes.:

Sphagnum for orchids and violets has earned the special love of flower growers. The use of a substrate makes the soil acidic, which is greatly appreciated indoor violets, delighting flower growers with a bright border of beautiful leaves. Soil acidification is also necessary for.

Often, most flower growers have a question about how to grow a beautiful, but very capricious orchid.? What is the best product for this? To do this, flower growers create humid tropical conditions for the beautiful beauty by wrapping aerial roots with an amazing substrate and spraying with water at room temperature. It is enough to wet the sphagnum substrate on the roots once a day, and not 5-6 times, as in the usual care of orchid roots.

Storage of the "natural sponge"

Knowing the places of distribution of the necessary and useful means, it will not be difficult to collect it in sufficient quantities. You only need hands and a large container for the collected material.

Important! It is necessary to collect white moss carefully, without pulling out all the moss in one area. Large-scale collection of raw materials can lead to a gradual decrease in the number, and then the destruction of nondescript, but most useful colonies.

Having collected a sufficient amount of a unique "sponge", it is necessary to begin the process of drying it. After squeezing the prepared material with your hands, it is laid out in a well-ventilated place under the sun's rays. A unique representative of the Mossy family is one of the few types of plant materials that do not lose their unique qualities under the influence of direct sunlight. Due to the characteristics inherent in the unique natural raw materials, the drying process takes a long time.

The degree of drying depends on the further scope of its application. When used in medicine, it dries completely, to the point of being crunchy and brittle. If dried for floriculture, then the shoots should be left longer so that the moss itself remains moist.

How to store sphagnum moss? After the drying process is completed, the finished product must be tightly wrapped in paper or placed in the freezer. For further storage, this will be enough.

Having carefully studied the main positive qualities inherent in the "natural sponge", we can say with confidence that culture is a real pantry of effective qualities.

Probably, many readers have heard of such moss as sphagnum. It is not surprising - it is found in many regions of our country and is actively stocked by experienced flower growers. And in general, the scope of its application is quite wide. Therefore, it will be useful to tell how it is used and where sphagnum moss grows. The photos attached to the article will allow you to learn more about it.

What it is?

To begin with, it should be noted that sphagnum is a type of moss. It is remarkably survivable, easily enduring not only high humidity, but also very low without the slightest harm to itself. According to experts, once sphagnum belonged to algae. But gradually, as the climate changes and the area of ​​reservoirs shrinks, he was forced to change and as a result perfectly adapted to life in humid places.


Now it’s worth telling what sphagnum moss looks like - the photos still give only a rather superficial idea.

He cannot boast of a particularly outstanding appearance. It has a very thin green stem, originating at the root and stretching upward. It has an emerald green color. The upper part is covered with small leaves arranged in a spiral. By the way, for clarity, it should be noted that in fact this moss has no roots. And that brown part, which not very experienced botanists perceive as a root, is an old, dead part of the plant.

Sphagnum, despite its small size, is a perennial plant. With the approach of cold weather, it freezes to continue life in the spring. It grows only up, not to the side. The lower part eventually dies off, rots, becoming peat.

The stems grow very densely, most often in damp places. Because of this, only the upper part receives the light necessary for the development of green plants. And in the lower, shaded, chlorophyll is destroyed over time, and it becomes white. Over time, it rots, acquiring a brown color.

It reproduces, like most mosses, with the help of spores. They contain germ cells grown on the stem. After maturation, the sac bursts, and thanks to water and wind, light spores are carried to a decent distance.

Where is found

Now it’s worth telling how to find sphagnum moss in nature - photos will help you easily identify it.

This valuable plant is most often found in the north of our country. Moreover, mainly in forest thickets, where small rivers and lakes, as well as streams and swamps provide high soil moisture.

Sphagnum is surprisingly unpretentious. He has enough for the successful development of even weak, diffused sunlight. In addition, it grows well on all surfaces: stones, clay, trees, earth, even glass and iron.

However, if you tell where sphagnum moss grows in Russia, the photo of which is attached to the article, then it is worth noting that you can also meet it in the steppe. But this place must be very humid - for example, somewhere near streams or lakes.

How it is used

Not every person who has seen a chic sphagnum carpet in the forest realizes how wide the scope of this amazing plant is. But people have learned to use it in construction, crop production, cosmetology and even medicine.

Thanks to a number of features, moss becomes a truly unique material. To begin with, it should be noted that it perfectly passes air, absorbing excess moisture from it, and dry, on the contrary, moisturizes to a comfortable level. Experts say that moss absorbs a huge amount of moisture - 20 times more than it has! Can any other material boast such an indicator of moisture absorption?

It is also very important that it has antiseptic properties. This allows it to be used in medicine, mainly in extreme medicine.

However, in order for the reader to better understand the topic, it is worth giving a few specific examples.

Why does flower growers need it

Most often, when talking about the use of sphagnum moss, the photo of which is attached to the article, people remember about houseplants. It is really actively used in the care of flowers.

First of all, it is worth talking about helping with seed germination. They need to be kept in a humid environment. However, fabric, not to mention paper, dries very quickly. Moisturize it every day, and sometimes several times a day. Sphagnum moss solves this problem - moisten it abundantly and wrap the seeds in juicy greens. After that, you can forget about them for a few days. Moss will quickly absorb excess moisture, so the rot does not threaten the seeds. But then he will give them excess moisture and they will not dry out.

Due to the same effect, moss is actively used in the care of plants in pots. It is necessary to lay a thick layer of sphagnum directly on the soil, after which it will be possible to water the flowers not daily, but once a week. At the same time, moss will protect plants from bacteria and infections that carry diseases. It has long been noticed that sphagnum, which has antiseptic properties, does not allow the appearance of mold and fungi in its vicinity.

In addition, the soil under it becomes looser and softer. As a result, it is better saturated with oxygen, and the plant grows faster.

In addition, with the active growth of moss, its lower part will die off, this has already been discussed above. As a result, dead areas turn into peat - an excellent fertilizer for any plant.

Application in medicine

Historians are well aware that during terrible wars like the Great Patriotic War, sphagnum saved the lives and health of many soldiers and officers. Simple antibiotics, bandages and cotton wool were sorely lacking, so experienced doctors used sphagnum. Clean bundles were placed directly on the wound, after which they were rewound with any tissue, often not even sterile. Sphagnum destroyed harmful bacteria around it. Thanks to this, the wounds healed faster. It is no coincidence that earlier detachments were formed from the pioneers and the Octobrists, who prepared this raw material and sent it to the front.

It can also be used at home. Are you suffering from nail or foot fungus? Putting some moss in your shoes will solve this problem forever. And without the purchase of expensive drugs with dubious effectiveness.

Can be taken with sphagnum and baths. Steam 100 grams of moss with three liters of boiling water, insist overnight and pour into a bath filled with warm water. Two half-hour procedures a week (just lie in the bath) and arthritis with arthrosis will recede, sweating will improve and excess salt will be removed from the body.

moss cultivation

Not everyone knows that sphagnum can be cultivated at home, and the procedure is surprisingly simple. It is enough to have at least a small piece of moss - you can find it in the forest, take it from friends or purchase it in a special store.

First, the sphagnum must be washed. To do this, soak it in warm water(preferably settled) and leave for half a day. Every few hours, the moss needs to be lightly shaken to remove debris, earth and sand. After the time has elapsed, carefully remove the thin stems and pour out the dirty water.

Now you can start growing the plant. Put it in a three-liter jar or small aquarium. Pour some water, close the container and leave in a sunny place. In the process of photosynthesis, oxygen will be produced, and dead stems will serve as a substrate and source carbon dioxide. This will create a closed ecosystem, from which you can sometimes take away some of the moss and add some water.

Harvesting sphagnum

If you find varieties of sphagnum moss in the forest (photos will help identify it), then you can stock it for future use. It is best to collect valuable raw materials near streams or lakes in well-shaded places - these are ideal conditions, which means that the plant will be of the highest quality.

You can collect all the moss along with the "roots", then the process is underway significantly faster. In addition, peat fertilizer will form faster, which is important for many flower growers.

Or you can carefully cut off the top green layer with simple scissors, leaving white and brown in place. In this case, you will get a smaller amount of moss, but it will be alive and able to grow perfectly, growing rapidly in your small plantation.

We store correctly

The rules for storing moss depend primarily on how you plan to use it.

Do you need dry sphagnum used in medicine? Then the easiest way is to use a cord or a strong thread and hang the stems in a thin layer in a warm place with good ventilation. Well, or at least spread it on a towel or newspaper and leave it on the windowsill, well lit by the sun. Stir the moss a couple of times a day so that it dries evenly. Otherwise, the upper part will dry out and form a crust. Inside, the stems will remain wet and over time, mold may appear here, making the use of moss for medical purposes impossible.

A completely different storage method should be chosen if your goal is to keep it alive for the longest possible period. It is not at all difficult to cope with this task. Rinse the moss well, then fold it into a paper or cloth bag to put in the refrigerator or freezer. In such conditions, it can easily be preserved for several years. When you need sphagnum, simply take it out of the refrigerator and leave it in a warm, slightly damp place. After a few hours, the stems will thaw, and after a few days they will continue to grow, as if nothing had happened. But here it is worth considering that the longer the sphagnum lies frozen, the fewer stems will remain alive. It is advisable to remove the rest as soon as it is clear that they have died. It is not difficult to determine this - they dry out pretty quickly.


Now you know much more about the amazing sphagnum moss, starting from its appearance and ending with the scope. It is possible that many have a desire to try to grow it at home.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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