Journalist and writer Yulia Latynina was born into a family of Moscow intellectuals: her father was a writer, her mother a critic: it is not surprising that her daughter entered the Literary Institute. At the same time, Latynina became interested in economics and in the early 90s, when almost no one understood what kind of processes were happening around her, she began to explain the terminology and essence of events from the pages of the newspapers Segodnya and Izvestia. At the same time, she began writing novels and became the first Russian writer to combine economics and fiction and prove that the redistribution of capital can compete with the most action-packed detective story in terms of action. Now Latynina, who has received a lot of awards in both literary and journalistic areas, constantly speaks on Echo of Moscow, writes in Kommersant and Daily Journal, where she extremely harshly and sarcastically comments on the actions of the Russian authorities, and continues to write books. She doesn’t like it when her economic detective stories are compared with journalistic investigations, and believes that she is writing a heroic epic of our time. Member of the Snob project since December 2008.


Evgeniy Klimovich

The city where I live



Where was she born?


Who was born to

Mother - literary critic Alla Nikolaevna Latynina.

Father is poet and prose writer Leonid Aleksandrovich Latynin, translations of his books are published in France and the USA.

Where and what did you study?

Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. M. Gorky and postgraduate studies there.

Where and how did you work?

She worked for the newspapers Segodnya, Izvestia, Kommersant and Top Secret, and for the magazines Expert and Weekly Magazine. She hosted the television programs “Ruble Zone” and “There is an Opinion.”

“...there was talk about a film adaptation of Manchurian Man. Then NTV and ORT argued over this matter... Because of this discord, I even had to leave NTV. I hosted the “Ruble Zone” program there. And my leaving looked like a betrayal... And what happened with the film was a surrender to me for the betrayal of my colleagues.”

Academic degrees and titles

Candidate of Philology.

What did you do?

Member of the Moscow Writers' Union since 1995. Author of more than 20 books in the genres of economic detective and fiction, including: “The Tale of the Holy Grail”, “The Tale of the Good Rebel”, “Bomb for the Banker”, “Wapit Hunt” (the novel was filmed), “Land of War”, "Inhuman."

“I write books where everyone is good, but they are forced to kill each other.” I am the only one, perhaps, such a freak in all of Russia. By the way, the style of an ancient tragedy. After all, when good fights evil, it's a cheap thriller. And tragedy, according to Aristotle’s definition, is when heroes, led by fate, fight each other.”

“ general I think that main feature my prose - whether good or bad - is the transition of economics from the background, from a kind of auxiliary series into one of the main characters. Economics is life, and tears, and love, and family prejudices, and fatal secrets from the grave.”

“The novel is pure combat fantasy... it turned out to be misanthropic... How will a race that has begun to explore the world live... Where does such a race have what is foreign and what is theirs? What kind of state will such a race have? So much for “Inhuman.”

Published in the magazines “October”, “Friendship of Peoples”, “Zvezda”, “ New world", "Banner", "Knowledge is power", "The 20th Century and the World".

Public affairs

From 1993 to 2001, she was a member of the Democratic Choice of Russia party.

Public acceptance

In 2007 she received the prize named after Corriere della Sera, established by the newspaper Corriere della Sera. Maria Grazia Cutuli (Italian journalist killed in Afghanistan).

“I may sometimes look like an investigative journalist, and my novels are called investigations, but this is not so, that is, the roots are not there. I'm writing a heroic epic, I'm interested in heroes. For me there are no bad and good - in life, maybe there are, in literature this division is not interesting to me, because that’s the specificity.”

She was awarded the prize of the Association of Russian-language writers of Israel, and also received the prize named after her for her work in the field of economic journalism. G. Meir and the Alexander II Prize. In 1999, she received the title “Person of the Year” from the Russian Biographical Institute “for success in economic journalism,” as well as the “Marble Faun” award for Russian-language fiction.

Winner of the Defender of Freedom Award

Known for

Takes a sharply critical position towards the Russian authorities.

Participated in scandals

In December 2003, the Basmanny Court of Moscow refused to satisfy the claim to protect the honor and dignity of the official owner of the newspaper “Novye Izvestia” Oleg Mitvol against Yulia Latynina, who accused him of appropriating a publication that actually belonged to Boris Berezovsky.

In July 2005, on Novy Arbat, Andrei Morozov (a member of the informal group “Red Blitzkrieg”) and his friends threw tomatoes at Yulia for the article in the “Daily Journal” “Stalin’s Legacy: Senseless and Ruthless,” in which she “comprehends” the results of the Great Patriotic War war after the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Victory.

“I came out from Echo of Moscow, I saw a young man throwing a tomato at me, and missing... I attacked this young man, a second one came to his aid... She slapped one once in the face, and gave the other more... In this stories... one thing was sad... I was getting ready for a meeting, I was wearing high heels, with a handbag... I couldn’t kick them properly...”

I'm interested


“In the morning I always run 10 km. This is called habit rather than bondage. The only time I didn’t run was when I was in Tsentoroy, Chechnya... The first thing I did at 11 p.m., when I returned to Moscow, was to pull up my pants and run. Without this khan."

“I started playing sports as a child. And one that you can do anywhere and alone. Whether you're running or skiing, you think it's good. I don’t like team sports on principle: what if someone screws up, and my result will be worse?”

ride a bike, ski

“Finally the snow fell and I was able to get on my skis. Before that I rode a bicycle. In general, I can’t live without movement... but on a bicycle I can easily cover 20-25 km.”

I love

“I’m used to being responsible for everything myself. I love singles. And leaders."

Well, I don't like it

talk about your personal life in an interview

“We agree right away: personal life Let’s not touch.”


“ general, I really want to write a book with a happy ending.”

And generally speaking

“I am a supporter of holding people accountable for their words.”

“I have to deny myself a lot because I have a terrible fear: if I take a bribe, I will write bad prose. And I won’t tolerate anyone saying: “It’s in our pocket.”

Viktor Toporov, critic, publicist: “... in Latynina’s economic feuilletons - they are undoubtedly the best in their weight category and (contrary to what they write on the website) do not evoke the feeling of being paid for... Yulia Latynina writes detective prose - and writes everything is getting better and better, and everything else is from the evil one.”

Media reports:

Fakes from Yulia Latynina. Novaya Gazeta continues to fulfill Western orders
I honestly admit that the following two names evoke in me not just a feeling of disgust, but also a certain amount of misunderstanding. I just can't accept the fact that these...

Yulia Latynina was put in the mailbox
It’s hard to say whether this is a coincidence or not, but immediately after musician and TV presenter Andrei Makarevich got into the Public Council under the State Duma Committee on Culture with one...

On the air of Echo of Moscow, Latynina laughed at the siege of Leningrad
The rusty-haired beast from the radio station “Echo of Moscow” continues to discuss the topic of the Great Patriotic War, talks about the siege of Leningrad and the role of the Soviet people...

Latynina - expert in military matters
It was naively thought that after the enchanting failure with the jumping oscilloscope needle, Yulia Latynina would try to avoid technical topics, but the desire to offend the unwashed...

Yulia Latynina left Russia because... I noticed I was being followed
Well-known Russian writer, candidate of philological sciences and dissident journalist critical of Putin, Yulia Latynina, last Saturday after broadcasting on the radio station Echo...


Russia is threatened with basic extinction. Here, some quilted jacket who marches down the street shouting “Give us Donbass!”, he’s in the second, or at least third generation, maybe he’ll learn to read Pushkin. But at the rate at which we are dying, there will simply be no one to read Pushkin. " "

So, I think, if you run an experiment and tell a Russian anchovy on TV that the Earth is flat and stands on three pillars, everyone who thinks that the Earth is round are agents of the “fifth column” and damned Pindos. Now, how long will it take for 85% of the Russian population to be convinced that the Earth is flat and stands on three pillars? " "

And, accordingly, the St. George ribbon is a symbol of victory in which war? The only war that I know that was fought under the black and orange flag was the undeclared war in Donbass. It was a war during which we shot down a Boeing, we flooded the Donbass with outcasts who rob civilians shouting “We are saving you from Ukrainian fascists!” And, by the way, they haven’t even grown into this territory. That is, the only goal of this war was to spoil Ukraine, to create Hamas on its territory. And I’m just afraid that a lot of people did not come to this celebration, because they believe that, under the guise of victory over Nazi Germany, they will take part in the celebrations on the occasion of the “downing” of the Malaysian Boeing. And I remind you that the use of a black and orange ribbon not only distances us from the whole world, which is celebrating victory in World War II (although, first of all, Russia should mourn the victims at this moment), but also distances us from many other CIS countries, because, for example, in Moldova a bill has been introduced to punish for wearing the St. George ribbon. " "

And one more very short question that I might start next week. They ask me what I can say about the fact that 70% of the Russian people approve of the ban on the adoption of children by Americans. And I will say it very briefly. This proves that the mob remains the mob at all times, regardless of whether it rebels in Florence during the time of the Ciompi or whether it rebels against the French, calling the rare scumbag Ferdinand to the Spanish throne. Which, unfortunately... I am a well-known opponent of universal suffrage. Here, the story that 70% of the people who use Facebook and Twitter approve of this while watching TV, while it is enough to make minimal efforts and figure out the issue yourself, confirms this. Because, excuse me, the story that the people were deceived does not work in this case. Because we are not in 1937, the people can simply enlighten themselves, and this story, just like the story of the election of Ahmadinejad or Hugo Chavez, shows that what is now called “the people” shows that the mob will always remain the mob. " "


Yulia Leonidovna Latynina (June 16, 1966, Moscow, USSR) is a Russian journalist and writer. Author of novels in the genres of political fiction and political-economic detective stories based on Russian reality. She is known in journalism as a political commentator and economic analyst.

From 1994 to 2000, she was a member of the Democratic Choice of Russia party. In 2004 she became one of the founders of the “Committee 2008”.

The best books for those involved in public administration are considered to be “Treatise on the Art of War” by Sun Tzu, “The Prince” by Machiavelli, “The Gulag Archipelago” by Solzhenitsyn and “The Road to Serfdom” by Friedrich von Hayek. Yulia Latynina’s favorite book is the 14th century Chinese novel “River Backwaters” by Shi Naian.

Points out the shortcomings of universal suffrage. In her opinion, only those who pay taxes to the state treasury at least a ruble more than they receive benefits, grants, subsidies and other social assistance should have the right to vote, that is, only true taxpayers, and not “social freeloaders.”

Yulia Latynina considers herself a libertarian.

Winner of the Golda Meir Prize (1997), Alexander II Prize (1997) for work in the field of economic journalism, and the Association of Russian-language Writers of Israel (1997). Winner of the Gerd Bucerius Prize “Young Press of Eastern Europe” (2004).

In 1999, the Russian Biographical Institute awarded Yulia Latynina the title “Person of the Year” “for success in economic journalism.”

On November 17, 2007, in Sicily, Yulia Latynina was awarded the International Journalism Prize. Maria Grazia Cutuli (Italian) - Italian journalist killed in Afghanistan. The award was established by the largest Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera and is awarded to journalists for the best investigations.

On December 8, 2008, she was awarded the Defender of Freedom Award, established by the US State Department. Latynina’s award was presented personally by the US Secretary of State.

Latynina is the target of criticism from many Russian nationalists. Included in the so-called “List of Enemies of the Russian People” proposed by the deputy State Duma from the LDPR Nikolai Kuryanovich.

Birthday June 16, 1966

Russian journalist and writer


Born into a family of creative workers: mother - literary critic and journalist Alla Nikolaevna Latynina, father - poet and prose writer Leonid Aleksandrovich Latynin.

In 1988, Latynina graduated from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. Candidate of Philology. She defended her Ph.D. thesis in 1992, the topic of the dissertation was “Literary origins of the dystopian genre.” Specializes in economics.

A number of sources indicate that she graduated from graduate school at the Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Also on the page of the Ekho Moskvy radio station website dedicated to the journalist, it is indicated that she was a researcher at the Institute for the Economy in Transition. However, Latynina herself refuted these allegations in one of her programs on Echo of Moscow:

Over the years, Yulia Latynina worked:

  • correspondent and then author of the program “Ruble Zone” on the NTV channel (2000-2001),
  • co-host of the program “Another Time” on the ORT channel (2001-2002),
  • author of the program “There is an opinion” on the TVS channel (2002-2003),
  • author of the “In Your Own Words” column in the “Week” program on the Ren-TV channel (2003-2004).
  • economic observer:
  • in the newspaper “Today” (1995),
  • in the newspaper Izvestia (1995-1997),
  • in the magazine "Expert" (1997-1998),
  • in the monthly “Top Secret” (1999-2000),
  • in the "Weekly Magazine" (2003-2004),
  • in the Kommersant newspaper (2006-2007).

Currently Latynina is:

  • employee of Novaya Gazeta (since 2001),
  • author of the “Access Code” program on the radio station “Echo of Moscow” (since 2003) and the RTVi TV channel (since 2008). Airs on Saturdays at 19:08. The format of the program is built in the form of a discussion of current political and economic events in dialogue with listeners live.
  • columnist for the electronic publications Daily Journal (since 2005) and (since 2006).

In May 2010, lawyer Igor Trunov filed a lawsuit against Yulia Latynina.

Views and preferences

In 1994-2000 she was a member of the Democratic Choice of Russia party. In 2004 she became one of the founders of the “Committee 2008”.

The best books for those involved in public administration are considered “Treatise on the Art of War” by Sun Tzu, “The Prince” by Machiavelli, “The Gulag Archipelago” by Solzhenitsyn and “The Road to Serfdom” by Friedrich von Hayek. Yulia Latynina’s favorite book is the 14th century Chinese novel “River Backwaters” by Shi Naiyan.

Points out the shortcomings of universal suffrage. In her opinion, only those who pay taxes to the state treasury at least a ruble more than they receive benefits, subsidies, subsidies and other social benefits should have the right to vote. help, i.e. only true taxpayers, not “social freeloaders.”

Yulia Latynina considers herself a libertarian.

Literary creativity

Yulia Latynina has been published as a prose writer since 1990. Her first books were published under the pseudonym Evgeniy Klimovich, later republished under her own name. She performs with equal success both in the genre of action-packed detective and adventure prose based on Russian material, and in science fiction.

She has been published in the magazines “October”, “Friendship of Peoples”, “Star”, “New World”, “Banner”, “Knowledge is Power”, “20th Century and the World”.

Since 1995, he has been a member of the Moscow Writers Union.


Latynina’s works are written in several different genres of adventure, some of which form literary cycles - in particular, “Bandit”, “Wei Empire”, the trilogy “Hunting for Manchurian deer” (an economic-industrial detective story) and “Caucasian cycle”.

Latynina’s most famous work is the bestselling adventure book “The Hunt for the Manchurian Man,” on which a film of the same name was made in 2005. The total circulation of the book was more than 100 thousand copies.

Yulia Leonidovna Latynina is a publicist and writer, winner of a number of literary awards, author of the filmed books “Wapit Hunting” and “Industrial Zone”, presenter of original programs on television and radio, columnist for prominent print media and electronic publications. A skilled polemicist and brilliant analyst, she takes a sharply critical position in relation to the current Russian government.

The writer considers an important feature of his prose to be the transfer of the concept of economics from some minor row to the category of the main characters of works of art. She was the first among Russian writers to prove that a novel about the redistribution of capital can be no less exciting and action-packed than the most exciting detective story. In poetic form, using Pushkin’s lines, she noted that economic activity is “centurious prejudices, fatal secrets, life, tears, and love.”

Childhood and youth

The future intellectual publicist, who is read and listened to by millions with great interest, was born in Moscow on June 16, 1966. Her parents are graduates of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University.

The head of the family, Leonid Aleksandrovich, called by literary critic Evgeny Vitkovsky “the last poet of the Silver Age,” was from Privolzhsk, Ivanovo region. Translations of his books were published in France and the USA. Mother, Alla Nikolaevna, is a Muscovite, literary critic.

From an early age, the girl loved to play sports, especially running, skiing and cycling. It is noteworthy that she was always attracted only to those sports that she could do alone. Later, she called herself a principled opponent of team competitions, considering it unacceptable that her own result could suffer due to someone else’s mistake.

She studied well at school, and in 1983 she became a student of the Order of Friendship of Peoples at the Literary Institute. Gorky. In 1988, as part of a student exchange agreement, she studied at the most highly ranked Belgian Catholic University of Louvain.

During the same period, she graduated with honors from the institute and became a graduate student in the department of Romance-Germanic philology.

Creative path

From 1990 to 1995, the young philologist wrote the novel “Irov’s Day,” which marked the beginning of the fantasy cycle “Wei Empire” (“The Preacher”, “Sorcerers and Ministers”, “The Tale of the Golden Sovereign”, “Clearchus and Heraclea”, etc.) and awarded by literary critics the epithet “exquisite.”

In 1993, Julia presented a scientific qualification work on types of dystopian logical arguments, and received a PhD degree, studying at King's College London.

In 1995, the story “Bomb for a Banker” was published, created in the detective genre and published under the fictitious name Evgeniy Klimovich. During the same period, Julia became a member of the capital's Writers' Union.

“Breakfast with Lebedev”: a long interview with Yulia Latynina

In 1996, four of her fantasy works were published and the book “Bandit” about a former special forces soldier turned criminal. In 1997, she became a research fellow at the Gaidar Institute and released a new science fiction novel, “Hello, I am your roof.”

In 1999, her most popular opus, “Wapit Hunting,” was published, replete with the most complex combinations to protect an enterprise from enemy capture. Experts assessed the author as a writer who has not only a deep humanitarian education, but also a “computer mind”, who writes in the incredibly exciting genre of historical adventure work with elements of an economic detective story.

At the same time, fans of her work could get acquainted with the next three books from the “Wei History” series and the detective story “Debriefing”. The next year was marked by the release of two detective stories, “The Locust” and “The Steel King.”

In 2004, the writer acted as one of the founders of the “Committee 2008”, chaired by Garry Kasparov, who was in opposition to the country’s President Vladimir Putin and his supporters, and also joined the Anti-Corruption organization.

Yulia Latynina at the Open Russia lecture

In 2005, the first novel of her new Caucasian cycle was published - the political thriller “Jahannam, or See You in Hell,” which describes bribery, cynicism and corruption in government structures.

In 2014, Latynina was among more than 400 participants in the “Ukraine – Russia: Dialogue” congress, held in the Ukrainian capital and intended to be a demonstration of solidarity between intellectuals of the two countries.

The writer was awarded prizes named after. Goldy Meir, named after. Maria Grazia Kutuli, Association of Russian-language writers of Israel. She is the winner of the “Defender of Freedom” award, which was personally presented to her by Condoleezza Rice, the “Marble Faun” award, received for the “Wei Empire” science fiction series, and many others.


Already during her studies, the range of scientific research of the young graduate student-philologist turned out to be focused on the history of economics. The result of this focus was articles in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, the publications “XX Century and the World”, “New World”, “Knowledge is Power”, where, in particular, she led a series of publications “The Golden Calf – Idol or Victim?” about purpose Money in Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

In 1994, Latynina worked as an economic commentator for the Segodnya tabloid. She held a similar position from 1995 to 1997 at Izvestia, then, until 1998, at Expert, in the period 1999–2000. – in “Top Secret”, since 2001 – in “Novaya Gazeta”, in 2003–2004. – in the “Weekly Magazine”, 2006-2007. - in Kommersant. In 1999, the Russian Biographical Institute named the writer “Person of the Year.”

A television

In 2000, Yulia made her debut on television as the host of the author’s informational and analytical economic television program “Ruble Zone,” which was broadcast first on NTV, then on ORT. There, since 2001, she reported on the most resonant crimes in the Russian Federation as part of the television program “Once Upon a Time in Russia,” and from 2001 to 2002 she was the co-host of the highly rated analytical program “Another Time.”

"School of Scandal." Yulia Latynina

The writer, called in the media “the political star of the capital’s television screen,” in 2002-2003. hosted on TVS the program of current commentaries “There is an opinion”, in the summer of 2003 she worked on REN-TV in the issue “24”, for a year she was a commentator in a program of a similar focus “Week”.

Personal life of Yulia Latynina

The writer prefers not to advertise his private life, so there is no information about it in open sources.

She loves loners and leaders, is used to being responsible for her own words and believes that every person should also be responsible for their actions.

The brilliant journalist has been repeatedly attacked by opponents of her critical reporting. So in 2005, she was showered with tomatoes for an article in the Daily Journal about Stalin’s legacy, and in 2016, she was doused with feces after criticizing the “trolls of the current regime.”

Yulia Latynina now

Since 2003, the writer’s inimitable dialogues with listeners on current economic topics, her signature deep and ironic reviews on socio-political issues can be heard on the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, where she is the author and radio host of the “Access Code” program. The broadcast format allows each listener to participate in the discussion, express their own opinion, or propose an idea via SMS message or the Internet.

Yulia Latynina. "Access code"

In 2005, Latynina became a columnist for the electronic “Daily Journal” and “Newspaper. RU". She is also an employee of the periodical socio-political publication Novaya Gazeta, specializing in independent investigative journalism.

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Yulia Latynina Who are “demolitionists”? You need to know the enemy by sight - this is one of the first commandments of a warrior. And since real information battles are constantly being waged against Russia,

Yulia Latynina

Who are the “subversives”?
You must know the enemy by sight - this is one of the first commandments of a warrior. And since real information battles are constantly being waged against Russia, we decided to collect “dossiers” on their initiators - both “private” individuals and entire groups of ideological saboteurs. With numbers and facts in hand, with the involvement of the opinions of authoritative experts, we will try to bring them all to clean water, exposing the lies and deceit of their plans.

Among the irreconcilable and consistent enemies of the Russian people, there is a clear “division of labor” in the difficult field of undermining the foundations of Russian statehood. Someone is lying in ambush on mountain roads North Caucasus, sorting rosaries from the polished bones of the Russian soldiers he killed; someone rushes to these hot regions on a “humanitarian mission”, nervously adjusting wads of dollars in their bosoms for the hungry bearded men; someone, leaning towards the monitor screen, describes a new, more effective program to destabilize Russia; someone, sitting in the quiet of professors’ offices, is developing new demographic concepts, ideologically justifying the “necessity” of settling Russia with millions of migrants from Asia and Africa, lovingly fiddling with the bills of the grant received from Freedom House in his pocket...

The army of destroyers and demolitions is assertive, organized and united. In the language of ancient Russian chronicles, “they are countless, their name is legion.” At the very bottom of this pyramid, a large cohort of the so-called. “publicists” who are trying to sow chaos in the minds of people, bringing to the masses the ideas of “senior comrades” such as “scientists” Tishkov, Vishnevsky and Shvydkoy. Such simple work does not require serious knowledge or great talent. You need a biting pen, the ability to convincingly lie, distort... and pure, sincere hatred for us Russians.

We present to KM readers a new character in the “Demolitionists” section.

Yulia Latynina is a journalist, publicist and writer. Born in 1964 in Moscow.

Since 1997 - researcher at the Institute for the Economy in Transition under the leadership of E. Gaidar.

Over the years, Yulia Latynina was an economic observer for the newspapers Segodnya and Izvestia, the magazine Expert, and the monthly Top Secret. Currently, she is the host of the “Access Code” program on the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, an employee of “Novaya Gazeta” and “Weekly Journal”, and a columnist for the newspaper “Kommersant”.

Yulia Latynina is a member of the Democratic Choice of Russia party and the Committee 2008.

Prize winner named after. Golda Meir (1997), the Association of Russian-language Writers of Israel (1997), the Gerd Bucerius Prize “Young Press of Eastern Europe” (2004), etc.

Unlike such “honored” subversives as Tishkov and Vishnevsky, Latynina does not focus on one important thesis, but spreads her “thoughts across the tree” in a tireless search for opportunities for another spit on the Russian people. And since this madam is very prolific and regularly produces new articles and books in which she writes a little about everything, we had to isolate several, in our opinion, the most important topics. Let us emphasize that these are only a few examples of journalistic Russophobia and the anti-Russian writings it produces. Almost any publication by Latynina contains distortions, distortions, lies, and manipulation of the reader’s consciousness. Therefore, we consistently investigate her caustic writings only on some topics: American non-governmental foundations, demography, Ukraine, the Great Patriotic War, Khodorkovsky, the Middle East, the Caucasus.

1. Latynina’s lies about American “humanitarian foundations”:

American non-governmental organizations that have developed active activities in Russia and the CIS are completely harmless and do not pose a threat to our national interests. Suspecting them of subversive activities is simply ridiculous.

Purpose: To try to refute the numerous revelations of the real subversive activities of American non-governmental organizations, to whitewash all kinds of Western foundations engaged in subversive activities in Russia, to mislead readers about the real goals of such organizations, to ridicule the actions of Russian intelligence services.

Quote: (from an article in the Daily Journal (E.Zh.) dated May 13, 2005 “Patrushev found out what the American DOSAAF is doing”)

“ a meeting with American businessmen, a Russian political scientist said that he knew American organizations that paid Ukrainians money for the revolution. "ABOUT! Very interesting? And who?" - exclaimed a Texas businessman.
Again, he didn’t mean anything bad: he just wanted to know about a useful organization to which he could entrust a difficult task. What if you need it - for some Nigeria or Ghana?
And then the Russian political scientist made a mistake. “Well, Freedom House,” he said weightily.
And the Americans laughed. Because it’s as if they were explaining to a Russian person for a long time that in Russia there is a secret terrorist organization that, together with bin Laden, organized September 11th. "And who is it?" - the Russian would be curious. “DOSAAF,” they would answer him.
What I mean is that it’s better to tell non-Americans about American conspiracies.”

Real state of affairs

James Woolsey, who headed Freedom House for the last three years and only recently left this post, said in an interview with Radio Free Europe that Russia is one of the main, if not the main target for his organization. “It is truly a great honor for us that President Putin, whose government is pushing Russia towards fascism, criticized the activities of NGOs, including Freedom House, aimed at supporting the movement towards democracy in Ukraine,” he said.
Note that he called Russia “fascist” several times throughout the interview. And here is how Freedom House formulates the two main goals of its activities around the world: “The fight against regimes hostile to the interests and values ​​of the United States; support for political and economic freedom outside the United States." Woolsey himself, while still director of the CIA, boasted in the pages of the Wall Street Journal that the National Security Agency used its international eavesdropping system ECHELON to spy on European companies in order to give large US corporations a competitive advantage. Under Wolsey, Freedom House played a key role in the pro-American revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan - their model was first tested by secretly supporting the first "color" revolution in Serbia in 1999. According to a December 11, 2001 Washington Post article entitled "American Adviser Leads Opposition to Milosevic," US-paid consultants played a key role in virtually every aspect of the activities of Milosevic's opponents. Organized control polls, trained thousands of opposition activists, and helped organize the vital parallel vote count. U.S. taxpayers paid for 5,000 cans of spray paint used by student activists to spray anti-Milosevic propaganda graffiti on walls across Serbia, as well as 2.5 million stickers bearing the slogan “He's Ended,” which became the motto of Serbia's Orange Revolution. A damning description of Wolsey’s activities and personality was given by Mark Ames, a famous American journalist, editor-in-chief of The Exile: “In fact, this is almost funny - crazy far-right intriguers, the embodiment of black humor, bred in such numbers during the Bush era that that the head of an NGO like Freedom House was the most nefarious vertebrate to ever desecrate the power structures of America. Appointing Woolsey to head Freedom House is not just a strange or comically sinister move, it is a deliberate move. Freedom House is just one of many effective tools used to implement American politics»

Summary: The American sources themselves, which in no way can be suspected of a pro-Russian orientation, indicate that: Freedom House financed and organized the “orange” revolutions in Serbia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Ukraine. Freedom House carried out all these operations under the leadership of James Woolsey, the former director of the CIA. Wolsey does not hide his hatred of Russia, repeatedly calling it “fascist.” Wolsey himself is characterized as “the most nefarious vertebrate that ever polluted the power structures of America.”

Conclusion: Latynina lies completely shamelessly, because, being a grant recipient, she is well aware of the true goals of Freedom House and James Woolsey, of their activities against Russia.

2. Latynina’s lies about demography. Payments of benefits for the birth of children will lead to idleness and drunkenness of mothers.

Goal: An attempt to distort and slander the adopted program to increase the birth rate.

“...President Putin’s initiative does not encourage women to work. Statistically, she is capable of creating a whole class of mothers who give birth to children in order to receive three thousand rubles and drink on them without waking up...

Real state of affairs

As we have already exhaustively shown in the investigation of pseudoscientific ones, the birth rate can only be increased by a comprehensive system of measures, in which material incentives and assistance in purchasing housing are one of the most important aspects.

KM.RU considers it unnecessary to return to this topic again, since the need and usefulness of such help for mothers is completely obvious to any sane person.

Summary: The correctness and timeliness of the proposed measures to help mothers is completely indisputable. Latynina, contrary to common sense, claims the opposite.

Conclusion: Latynina’s remark about mothers who, having received money, will, they say, “drink on it without waking up,” shows, on the one hand, a complete lack of logical arguments, and on the other, an insatiable desire to at least somehow denigrate the program to increase the birth rate.

It also shows the depth of hatred towards Russian mothers...

3. Latynina’s lies about Ukraine

The Ukrainian people are full of hatred towards Russia and Russians. No rapprochement between the two countries is possible.

Goal: To prevent the rapprochement of fraternal peoples.

“The Kremlin has accomplished the impossible: after the gas scandal, once-respectable politicians are saying things about Russia that previously only ardent nationalists would allow themselves to say. If previously there was the possibility of a pro-Russian opposition, now everyone is competing in only one thing: hatred of Russia. Yushchenko is the most moderate against this background.”

Real state of affairs:

For many years, Russia supplied Ukraine with gas at prices reduced by 3-4 times, effectively subsidizing its economy with billions of dollars from the Russian budget. Continuing such a policy may and would make sense, but only in relation to a power that is unconditionally friendly to us and is in a military-political alliance with Russia. However, the “orange” authorities of Ukraine openly took an ardent anti-Russian position and declared their desire to join NATO.

In such a situation, it would be simply political imbecility to continue paying other people's bills.

The blame for the so-called “gas scandal”, the theft of Russian gas and the increase in domestic gas tariffs as a result of bringing the prices of Russian supplies to the pan-European level lies entirely with the former Ukrainian government. It is to him that the population of Ukraine should be “grateful” for the sharp rise in gas prices, and judging by the results of the past elections to the Verkhovna Rada, where the Party of Regions came out in unconditional first place, and the anti-Orange coalition already has a majority in total, Ukrainian voters understand this quite clearly .

The popularity of anti-Russian rhetoric is falling sharply; politicians of anti-Russian, pro-Western orientation, such as Yushchenko and Tymoshenko, are rapidly losing the electorate, having a support level of latest polls at the level of 10-15%. Almost 70% of the population is against the country's joining NATO. Almost the same number speaks out for closer rapprochement with Russia. This is an objective picture of the situation in Ukraine according to independent sociologists.

Summary: The Ukrainian people for the most part have a friendly attitude towards Russians and Russia, wanting the rapprochement of our peoples. Leading politicians and parties in Ukraine are pro-Russian. Latynina ignores the objective picture, wishful thinking.

Conclusion: Latynina again shamelessly distorts, not embarrassed by obvious contradictions with reality.

4. Latynina’s lies about the Russian army

Russian commanders are mediocre and cruel. They do not know how to fight, aimlessly sending soldiers to certain death without any need, simply on their stupid whim.

Goal: To slander our military history, to belittle the military exploits of Russian soldiers and officers, to sow disbelief among the people own strength.

Quote: (article “Stalin’s legacy: senseless and merciless” magazine “EZh”, May 12, 2005)

“This is a massive army designed to achieve world domination. This is an army of quantity, not quality. In 1945, the commander of this army, General Zhukov, when asked by General Eisenhower about how the Russians clear minefields, answered in bewilderment: How, how? The infantry is coming and clearing the mines. With your bodies."

The real state of affairs.

The tired myth that we won the Great Patriotic War by allegedly “filling the Germans with corpses” was long ago refuted by military historians with numbers and facts in hand. The creation of such Russophobic legends added to the “demshiza” of the first wave of perestroika, and now not a single serious historian, politician or journalist will stoop to such a crude lie. But, as you can see, Latynina is more concerned about receiving new grants than respecting historical truth.

Now about the truth.

During the first major offensive of the Red Army near Moscow in the winter of 1941-42. The German troops in this direction had a ONE AND A HALF superiority in manpower, a DOUBLE superiority in tanks, and a one and a half superiority in medium and large caliber artillery. We emphasize: the Germans had superiority. This did not stop us from pushing back the German army 150-300 kilometers from the capital in fierce battles with approximately EQUAL losses.

By the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad, the Germans and I had approximately equal numbers of manpower, tanks and aircraft. There was a slight superiority in artillery. With a masterful strike on the flanks, the enemy group was surrounded and destroyed, and the operation itself was included in all the textbooks of military academies around the world as an example of one of the most brilliant operations in history - “Cannes of the 20th century”.

At the Kursk Bulge, our army also did not have the TRIPLE superiority in forces required by the rules of the art of war for a successful offensive. In infantry, artillery and aviation, we outnumbered the Germans by one and a half times. Formally, we had twice as many tanks, but actual superiority was on the side of the Germans, who by that time had established mass production of heavy Tiger tanks.

Having exhausted the Wehrmacht in defensive battles and knocked out the bulk of the heavy tanks, the Russian army turned the tide of the war and itself launched a strategic offensive, which continued with short breaks until Berlin.

Comparing the total combat losses of the Wehrmacht, its allies and the Soviet army, historians have long calculated that the irretrievable losses of the Germans and their allies on the Eastern Front amounted to more than nine and a half million soldiers - against ten million soldiers who died and died in hospitals during the entire period of the war.

And now an opinion about the Russian military leaders of the Great Patriotic War of a figure whom even Latynina cannot convict of communism or Russophilia.

“The General Staff provides me with a book with biographical data and portraits of Soviet generals and marshals. From this book it is not difficult to glean various information about what mistakes we have made in the past years. These marshals and generals are, on average, exceptionally young, with almost none of them over 50 years of age. They are... extremely energetic people, and on their faces you can read that they have a good folk culture... In short, I am forced to draw the unpleasant conclusion that the leaders Soviet Union come from better national strata than our own.”

“I inform the Fuhrer about the book of the General Staff about Soviet marshals and generals provided to me for review, adding that I have the impression that we are generally not able to compete with such leaders. The Fuehrer fully shares my opinion. Our generals are too old, they have outlived their usefulness... we are faced with the colossal superiority of the Soviet generals.”

As for the completely wild slander against Zhukov, it is somehow awkward to even seriously refute it, since this evil regurgitation of early Volgogonism has long been exposed. Zhukov did not say anything like that to Eisenhower and, naturally, did not do anything like that. Let us remember that at the final stage of the war, to break through the German defense, UP TO A THOUSAND guns were concentrated per kilometer of breakthrough and they had to be placed in two or three rows, and this is not counting thousands of Katyushas!

The enemy defenses were plowed completely, to the full depth, including minefields.

Summary: In the decisive offensive battles of the Great Patriotic War, we won either with minimal superiority or without it at all - due to the talent of Russian commanders and the skillful courage of the Russian soldier. Not in quantity, but in quality. Not by numbers, but by skill - this was recognized by both our allies and enemies.

Conclusion: Latynina is lying again. Moreover, knowing history well, she lies deliberately. Having no facts at hand, she uses stinking, petty tales from the “demshiza” arsenal, which have long since gone out of use.

5. Latynina’s lies about the “prisoner of conscience Khodorkovsky”

“Khodorkovsky suffers for his political beliefs, he is a political prisoner, this is an attack on democracy.”

Goal: To whitewash a man who took billions of dollars from the people and without hesitation eliminated unwanted people from his path. Provide him with a springboard for his return to political life countries".

Quote: (article “The next after Khodorkovsky will be Khodorkovsky” in the magazine “EZh” dated April 12, 2005)

“Mikhail Khodorkovsky stated that he does not intend to ask the court for leniency because he did not commit crimes; stated that he was sent to prison so that he would not interfere with the looting of the company, and suggested that the prosecutor’s office not interfere in a business in which it does not know a damn thing. “Those people who are busy today with the theft of YUKOS assets have no real relation to the Russian state and its interests,” Khodorkovsky recalled. This speech is not addressed to Judge Kolesnikova. It is addressed to the future Maidan.”

Here is what the French newspaper Libération wrote about this, which even with great stretch can not be called either pro-Putin or pro-Russian: “YUKOS, an oil giant with its own foreign policy, has practically launched a “hostile takeover” of the Russian state. YUKOS had a lot of money, and with this money he bought the votes of a group of deputies, quite a lot to, together with the communists, block in parliament any law that their masters did not like. Before Mikhail Khodorkovsky, general director and until recently one of the main shareholders of Yukos, problems arose with freedom, the oligarchs repeatedly blocked proposals to establish a stronger balance in the Russian economy to tax excess profits from oil trading. If the Russian government were to allow the oligarchs to once again put their hands on the country’s throat, Russia would face a repeat of all the financial disasters that befell it in the 90s.”

Khodorkovsky’s activities were aimed at buying up a “controlling stake” of deputies in the State Duma in order to change the scheme of political power in Russia - from a presidential republic to a parliamentary one, where the purchased parliamentary majority would stamp the laws the oligarchs needed and would elect a government obedient to them. In comparison with the fate prepared for Russia by Khodorkovsky and Co., even the dashing time of default pales in comparison, and the essence of the problem is not at all that, as we are assured, “big business has gone into politics.”

The whole point is that it was criminal capital that was striving for power, amassed from the robbery of the country, contract killings of unwanted competitors, and thoroughly imbued with bestial hatred of everything Russian.

Conclusion: Only a blind person does not see that Khodorkovsky’s Napoleonic plans were aimed at the final enslavement of the Russian people and the transformation of Russia into an appendage of the almighty YUKOS. Only the blind, or those whose eyes are obscured by American grant money, do not see this.

6. Latynina’s lies about Russia

Russia has long been excluded from the Middle East settlement. “Russia was reduced to the toilet.” We are almost a rogue country. No one takes us into account.

Goal: To undermine the self-esteem of the Russian people. To dirty the peacekeeping efforts of our diplomacy. To devalue Russia's undoubtedly increased authority in the eyes of society.

“So far, I see two reasons why Moscow invited Hamas to visit. One can be formulated as follows: “These American bastards don’t recognize Hamas - now we’ll show them.” And the other: “These Jews didn’t give us Nevzlin - but we’ll talk to Hamas”...
Russia has long been excluded from the Middle East settlement process. Her attempts to participate are unknown to anyone except foreign policy editors in government media.

In the eyes of the world community, our gesture does not elevate Hamas to the level of Russia - it lowers Russia to the level of Hamas and rogue states.

Hamas does not recognize the existence of the State of Israel. In this sense, Hamas is more radical not only than Maskhadov, but also Basayev. After all, Basayev recognizes the existence of the state of Russia. Even he does not set as his goal the complete destruction of Russians and the green flag on the Kremlin towers.”

“They reduced all of Russia to the toilet. Judge for yourself what the results of our latest diplomatic efforts are.
We invited Hamas to Moscow, and right at the airport we heard that there could be no talk of recognizing Israel.”

Real state of affairs

As is known, it was Russia’s peacekeeping efforts in reaching a compromise with the Hamas movement that helped avoid war immediately after the elections in the Palestinian Authority, and both the United States and the European Union officially had high hopes for the negotiations in Moscow, which were largely justified. Isn’t avoiding bloodshed on these already long-suffering lands a diplomatic success of our diplomacy at that time?

And isn’t it the same United States that constantly emphasizes that it highly appreciates Russia’s participation in maintaining peace in the Middle East? If we talk about Hamas, whether someone likes this movement or not, isn’t it the legitimate government in Palestine, which won the democratic elections in this country as a result of the free will of the Palestinian people? Didn't Israel itself negotiate with them? And the fact that Hamas does not recognize the legality of the existence of a Jewish state on lands seized from the Arabs - don’t almost all Arab states take the same position? Or does Latynina not know that with an Israeli visa in your passport you can safely bypass Arab embassies? An entry visa will not be issued, since Israel is not recognized and has never been recognized. And the accusations of “terrorism” brought against Hamas by Israel are strange, to say the least. Wasn't it Israel that carried out terrorist attacks around the world against the leaders of the Palestinian resistance?

Wasn’t it Israel that launched missile and bomb attacks on peaceful Arab settlements under the pretext of “fighting terrorism”? Isn’t it Israel who is destroying Lebanese cities these days with massive strikes and killing hundreds of civilians?

As for the finally destroyed Basayev, does anyone doubt that this man with great pleasure would have slaughtered all Russians, even infants, and would have hoisted a green flag over the Kremlin, if only he could?

And as for “the transformation of Russia into a rogue country,” which Latynina so dreamily writes about, wasn’t the G8 summit held in the Northern capital, where Russia acted as the host country and chairman?

However, not bad for a rogue country...

Conclusion: Latynina lies once again, completely oblivious to the true state of affairs. One gets the impression that she lives in some other world than the rest of us.

Latynina's lies about Russian policy in the Caucasus

Caucasians are real men, warriors, they have a concept of honor. Russians are nonentities, cowards or cruel murderers. Without any honor, of course. They are constantly beaten by brave horsemen.

Goal: To sow fear of militants, to instill in Russians self-doubt, to present Chechen terrorists as victims of the “federals.” Russophobic pearls are so generously scattered throughout the pages of her writings on Caucasian topics that it is impossible to do without copious citations.

“If in Chechnya a Russian soldier breaks into a house and shoots half the family with the words “these are militants,” then those who remain alive will really become militants.”

“Russian soldiers sit like mice in military camps and stand at checkpoints, extorting bribes for travel on the road. Sometimes they come out to exchange cartridges for vodka. Here they are killed: some bearded Chechen, whose sister or wife was killed, sticks a knife into their liver instead of vodka. Afterwards, he shaves his beard with the same knife - chick-chick - and considers that the vow has been fulfilled. The sister is avenged. Two or three soldiers a day - that’s how many die without any fighting.”

“Gangs of federals are moving around Chechnya and neighboring Dagestan, shooting along the way those who looked at them the wrong way. The gang is followed by a special car, in which grenade launchers travel and in which corpses are placed. Near each intersection, corpses and grenade launchers are taken out, filmed and stated: “As a result of a fierce battle, so many militants were killed.” Then the corpses and grenade launchers are put back and they travel with this mobile theater to the next intersection, where the performance is repeated.”

Real state of affairs

A typical example from the history of the war in Abkhazia in the 90s. During the assault on Sukhumi, previously captured by Georgian troops in alliance with the Abkhazians, Russian volunteers fought together with the Chechen detachment of that same Shamil Basayev - there was such a page in history, what can you do. So, according to eyewitnesses, in the trenches of the Basayevites there were “knee-deep” used syringes - without a shock dose of heroin, suppressing fear, these dashing horsemen did not go on the attack...

Well, the “atrocities of the federals,” which exist exclusively in the fevered imagination of Madame Latynina, evoke very specific historical associations.

To the Great Patriotic War, as you know, it was about the very existence of Russia and the Russian people, the intensity of the struggle was at its highest, neither we nor the Germans particularly chose methods and means. Unfortunately, at such moments mutual cruelty reaches its possible maximum.

Now the question is: has anyone heard at least once in their life that the Germans then tore the skin off a living person? Or did they cut off the heads of prisoners and impale them on poles? Or scalped? Or did they cut the skin off the captives’ feet so that they couldn’t escape?

There is no doubt - they committed more than enough crimes and sometimes showed sadism unprecedented by our standards, but even they did not do this. Moreover, we did not do this either, since Mr. Goebbels’ department did not even think of accusing us of something like that.

This was done by Chechen militants. These numerous facts are described by witnesses, photographed and proven. Question: Where and at any time during the Chechen campaigns did Russian soldiers place severed Chechen heads on poles? Skinned a living prisoner? Did they cut the skin off the captives’ feet so they couldn’t escape? Nowhere and never! Even such a Russophobe as Madame Latynina did not think of writing something like that; she understands that simply no one will believe it.

Instead, she pulls out heartbreaking stories about “gangs of federals (!) moving around Chechnya and shooting everyone who looked at them the wrong way (for example, through the sights of a machine gun? - author’s note).

Summary: The feeling of deep disgust does not leave while reading Latynina’s evil opuses about the Russian army in the Caucasus. Only a person who deeply and sincerely hates the Russian people can write like this.

Conclusion: Latynina repeats the already fairly forgotten behinds of the anti-Russian propaganda of the bad times of “perestroika,” pulling out completely musty legends and myths from mothballs. Tries to present executioners, murderers and sadists as “noble freedom fighters”


Latynina voices and clearly illustrates the Russophobic ideas emanating from overseas grant givers and their intellectual servants. Its task is not to present real facts, arguments or statements. Latynina’s work is to create impressive, visible artistic images of “Russian occupiers and murderers”, rather affecting the subconscious of readers. And not least Western readers, to whom one can, based on such articles, say: “look what Russian journalists themselves write about their country, their people and their army!” And hardly any Western readers understand that they are not dealing with a Russian journalist. And arguments of this kind will most likely be recognized as “politically incorrect” - in contrast to Madame Latynina’s opuses, which are readily quoted in the West, thoroughly saturated with the poison of hatred of everything Russian and directly inciting Russophobia. Materials of this kind are considered completely politically correct and are constantly published in the “civilized world.” The authors of Russophobic materials receive numerous grants and international awards, they are given reputations as “great talents”, and are awarded various honorary titles. The Metropolitan of Russia spoke best on this matter. Orthodox Church Abroad, Bishop Vitaly: “You have no idea what forces are acting against Russia here in the West. Billions of gold have been thrown away to extinguish the fire of the Russian revival!”

In conclusion, let me remind the zealous Russophobic scribblers that crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations. At the Nuremberg trials, not only the executioners from the Sonderkommandos and their superiors were tried; Mr. Goebbels’ henchmen from his brainwashing department also obediently sat in the shameful bench. Not only the inspirers and organizers, financiers and politicians will be held accountable for the crimes of genocide against the Russian people, but also those who incited the genocide of the Russians, those who called for it in their vile articles.

Remember this name and this face. If you ever read Yulia Latynina's works, know that they are written by a person who is a subversive of the Russian state.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):