Chalk board do it yourself - our long-awaited master class. Without unnecessary sentimentality - such a board is an ideal decor in any interior. You can leave funny drawings, write a to-do list and come up with funny wishes. Every day! And the best part is that you can make such a board yourself, armed with patience and a creative impulse.


  • A board of the size and shape you need: chipboard, solid wood or thick cardboard. Or a wall;
  • Primer (great choice of primers);
  • Roller with short pile;
  • Slate paint (in a jar or spray bottle) or black paint and tile grout powder.


  • 01 Depending on whether you will be painting a sample or a wall, first of all, prepare the surface - clean it from dirt, dust and prime. Leave for a day.

  • 02 Apply two coats of slate paint gently with a roller. Let dry.

  • 03 The resulting chalk board can be framed and hung on the wall.

Attention! You can replace slate paint by mixing any black paint with a few tablespoons of grout. But it's still better to use special paint- it dries well, is odorless and safe for children.
Editorial note

  • It is ideal to apply the paint in a thin layer 2 times.
  • It is best to go outside to apply paint to the sample: the temperature should be above 10 ° C and the humidity should not be lower than 85%. When painting the wall - ventilate the room well.
  • Use a short nap roller to apply the paint to avoid unevenness.
  • Do not rush to use the board - it should dry well.


You can find paint in construction hypermarkets, as well as in the open spaces of the network. For example, in the company Tikkurila it is presented as blackboard paint, in the Fanpaint store look for slate effect paint(it is possible to buy a jar of 0.5 liters or 1 liter). Good suggestion for chalkboard paint available in the Podarkino store.


You will need

  • - a frame with a hard back or any other hard surface;
  • - acrylic paint;
  • - flat brush;
  • - grout for tiles.


Some firms have special compositions for covering school boards, but in practice finding them on sale is a great luck. They are used most often to mask scratches, and therefore are sold in small volumes, while the price is disproportionately high. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase a finished board or make a coating for it yourself. You can find recipes that mix enamels and building cement. Such a coating turns out to be very rough, you have to wait a very long time for drying, and bad smell excludes the use of the composition in the apartment. Acrylic practically does not smell and dries very quickly, so it is recommended to use it, but as an additional element, take not cement, but gypsum or tile grout based on it.

Almost any material is suitable for making boards: thick cardboard, plywood, boards, even laminate or some types of plastic. When choosing a material, it should be remembered that paint on surfaces such as plastic, metal or plexiglass does not adhere very well. If possible, another material should be chosen, and if, nevertheless, a decision is made to use plexiglass, metal or plastic, the surface is ground and coated with a primer, only after that it is possible to apply the composition for the manufacture of a chalk board.

When working, you should take care of safety, namely, work only in a well-ventilated area. When acrylic is combined with grout, an unpleasant odor most often appears. The mixture dries very quickly, so before you start painting, you need to protect all surfaces that the paint can get on, and use the diluted mixture all at once. The grout should be at least 1/5 of the amount of paint, it is better to choose it in color as close as possible to the planned shade of the chalkboard. If you take white gypsum, the color will not be as saturated as a result, instead of black, it may turn out to be gray. The mixture should be stirred quickly and thoroughly to form as few lumps as possible.

When painting, most often one layer is not enough, it is better to paint in 2-3 layers so that the surface does not shine through the paint. Grains of the mixture are removed until the board is dry. To make the coating uniform, alternate layers with vertical and horizontal strokes, allowing the previous layer to dry before applying the next. When the last layer is completed and dried, the board is carefully rubbed with chalk and rubbed with a hard dry cloth, grinding. Whenever possible, soft chalk should be used for drawing so as not to scratch the surface. You can wash the chalk with a dry cloth or sponge, occasionally you can use a damp cloth to clean the field.

Recently, chalk boards have come into fashion that are placed in the kitchen so that at any time you can write down a recipe or make a shopping list, leave a note for loved ones or just draw something, such as a smiley. Did you know that you can make your own chalkboard? Not? Then welcome to our lesson! We will tell and show how to make a chalkboard from a cutting board and a metal tray!

Lesson 1

You will need:

Wooden cutting board

Chalkboard finish (1 cup acrylic, latex, or any other black paint + 2 tablespoons tile grout)

Step 1.

We prepare the surface. If you are using a new cutting board, then it is enough to wipe it with a damp sponge. And if used, then it must be thoroughly sanded with sandpaper, otherwise the paint may not be applied and adhere well.

Step 2

Preparing the coating for the chalkboard. Of course, there are factory-made chalkboard coatings, but you can make a similar coating yourself. Just mix the paint with the fugue and mix the mass thoroughly. It is important that not a single lump remains!

Step 3

We cover the board When you have defeated all the lumps, take the brush in your hands and boldly cover the board with paint. Try to apply a thin and as even layer as possible. Let the coating dry and repeat these steps 2-3 more times.

Step 4

Final touch. To really make the board look like real chalk, apply chalk to its entire surface and wipe it with a dry cloth. By the way, if you sharpen a chalk (photo) in a regular pencil sharpener, then writing will be much more pleasant!

Now you can hang it anywhere or place it and enjoy your chalk notes!

Lesson 2

Do you have an old metal tray lying around that you haven’t used for a long time, but is it a pity to throw it away? Wonderful! You can make an unusual chalkboard out of it. So, take out your tray, prepare the same materials as in the first lesson, 4 magnets and strong glue for metal surfaces.

Step 1.

Foundation preparation. Sand the edges of your tray to a shine if you want your chalkboard frame to sparkle. Then, with sandpaper, scratch the inside surface, this will help the paint hold on tight.

Step 2

Coating. Prepare a coloring composition (see the first lesson) and apply at least three layers to the inside of the tray. Let the paint dry and your chalkboard is ready!

Step 3

Hang the board on the refrigerator. If you want to hang the board on the refrigerator door, you can stick 4 strong magnets on the back of the tray.

That's it, now start painting or write your first note! There are many great ideas for making chalkboards and you can see some of them in the photo below.

Slate paint is a great option for creating a stylish, modern interior. Elements with such a coating will be appropriate almost everywhere - from a child's room to a solid office. Recently, they have become a real design trend!

But the use of unusual paint in the interior is justified not only in terms of design. Slate surfaces are also very practical. They help a lot in raising children, in communicating with family, in work, and just in everyday life.

These paints are popularly called chalk paints. They create a durable matte, slightly rough coating on the surface, on which you can write with chalk. The effect is like that of a familiar school board, only much better.

Modern slate paints are distinguished by high performance characteristics:

  • create a very hard, abrasion-resistant coating;
  • have high adhesion;
  • do not give shine at all (drawing on such a surface is a pleasure);
  • after drying - fireproof and non-toxic, suitable for use in children's rooms;
  • easy to clean with soapy water (removing a boring chalk drawing is not a problem at all);
  • easy to apply and dry quickly.

On a note! Slate paints are sold in cans (for applying with a brush or roller) and in spray cans (for easy coloring of geometrically complex surfaces).

Manufacturers offer ready-made emulsions of the most different colors. So, Siberia paint is available in gray, burgundy, brown, black and dark green. Tikkurila offers those wishing to tint a colorless base in one of three hundred shades of the corporate palette. And Rust-Oleum has a generally transparent slate finish. It can be applied to any colored surface in the house.

What to paint under the slate

Slate paints can be used throughout the home:

  1. In the nursery. If you install a large board here or paint over a whole wall under the lead, the children will have a place to create and learn. And the rest of the walls in the house will be completely safe.
  2. In the kitchen. Separate slate boards look very nice here, kitchen aprons, painted doors kitchen cabinets. You can write down recipes, menus, reminders, shopping lists, and simply declarations of love for each other on them.

    Important! Some paints will discolour from hot grease, so you don't want to use them near a stove.

  3. In the hall. At front door it is convenient to leave messages at home about what to do or take when leaving the house. And next to a landline telephone, a slate panel will replace a notebook.
  4. For decorating individual items. Slate kitchen trays, cutting boards, large dishes, tags on cereal jars and flowerpots with seedlings, etc. look great.

A variety of materials are painted under the stylus:

  • wood, chipboard, MDF, fiberboard;
  • metal;
  • plaster;
  • drywall;
  • brick;
  • glass;
  • ceramics.

All slate paints are intended for internal works. They do not tolerate low temperatures.

Coloring technology

Slate paint is very easy to use. Everyone can paint a wall or make a pretty DIY whiteboard.

The coloring procedure is as follows:

  1. The surface to be painted should be cleaned of old coatings. If necessary, it is leveled with putty or rubbed with emery, and then washed from dust and dried.
  2. In order for the paint to lie evenly, the surface under it is primed and dried. Ideally, you should use a special primer for slate paints.
  3. To create a neat slate rectangle on the wall or refrigerator door, the surface is pasted around the perimeter with masking tape.
  4. The emulsion is well mixed and applied in several layers. Each layer must dry completely before the next one is applied. Painting should be done in a ventilated room with an air temperature of +10°C and a humidity of up to 85%.

    Advice! Slate paints dry quickly, so you need to work with them quickly.

  5. 24 hours after applying the last layer, calcium carbonate chalk is rubbed into the dried surface. The excess is wiped off with a soft cloth.
  6. It remains to wait another 48 hours until the emulsion is completely cured, and the board or wall can be used for its intended purpose.

Wash the slate surface with soap or other household chemicals can be only a month after staining.

Factory emulsion is sold in cans and jars of 0.5 and 1 l. But many simply do not need such an amount of material. In this case, slate effect paint can be made by hand. It's much cheaper.

First way

All you need is:

  • Any acrylic paint - 1 cup.
  • Cement (ordinary "clean" or any cement mixture) - 2 tablespoons.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed - and inexpensive slate paint is ready.

On a note! Dolomite or marble chips are added to the factory paint. A homemade mixture on cement will not give such a durable coating. She'll scratch faster.

The most difficult and interesting thing in this matter is to choose the color of the emulsion. Many people do not like traditional dark shades. In this case, you can use other colors on which the chalk pattern will be visible. Light, faded, pastel shades excluded immediately. But on a bright background, drawing will be almost as convenient as on a dark one. Fine options are bright red, rich purple, grass green, deep blue.

slate wall does not have to be black, any color of saturated tones can be used for coloring

It will turn out very interesting if you use several slate panels of different colors in the interior at once.

Second way

Before you make slate paint according to this recipe, you should make sure that everything you need is already in stock. If you have to buy each ingredient, then it may be cheaper to purchase a ready-made factory emulsion right away.

To prepare about 50 ml of slate paint you will need:

  • 3 art. l. acrylic paint desired color;
  • 1 st. l matte acrylic varnish;
  • 1 st. l. (without a slide) cement, cement putty or grout for ceramic tiles;
  • 1 st. l of water.

First, grout powder or cement is placed in the container - it will provide a rough surface. Then paint is added, which will give the finished mixture desired color, and varnish (it will make the emulsion more plastic). Now it remains to pour in water and mix everything very carefully.

Important! The mixture must be well mixed. If there are lumps in the mass, they will spoil the painted surface.

Do-it-yourself slate paint is applied in the same way as purchased. She is given time to dry and harden before applying the chalk drawings.

Do not forget about the careful operation of finished surfaces. Despite the high wear resistance, slate panels are easily scratched by hard, sharp objects. Therefore, it is not recommended to draw on them with cheap "school" chalk mixed with sand and pebbles. And if you use soft crayons and erase drawings with a soft wet cloth, slate coatings will decorate the interior for a long time and serve as a convenient field for creativity.

Almost all young children are very fond of drawing, often using the floor, walls and pieces of furniture as a “canvas”. Taking into account the needs of their child, resourceful parents make certain adjustments to home interior using a special paint, which is easy to apply and just as easy to remove chalk. In this case, it is not at all necessary to paint an entire wall or cabinet. A small chalk board is quite capable of satisfying the creativity of a child, which can also be useful for adult family members if you use it, for example, for notes and reminders of important matters.

The paint, which has the effect of a slate board, is very often used to restore furniture, making the coating matte, velvety and pleasant to the touch. Its creator is British designer Annie Stone. In 1990, she developed a special finishing material, which began to sell under the brand name "ChalkPaint".

Making a chalkboard opens up a wide range of creative possibilities

Note! Given the name and consistency of "ChalkPaint", it is logical to assume that one of its components should be chalk (calcium carbonate). However, the problem is that for more than 20 years original recipe was never revealed by its creator. Therefore, many clones have appeared on the market, created on the basis of a variety of materials.

In addition to an interesting visual effect, chalk paint has a number of operational advantages:

  • fits well on almost any material (wood, wood substitutes, metal, drywall, plaster, brick, tile and glass);
  • has excellent adhesion to the surface;
  • has good hiding power, hiding most of the defects of the old coating;
  • dries quickly;
  • does not have a strong odor;
  • non toxic.

The disadvantages of such a finish include its price and scarcity. "ChalkPaint" is not supplied to Russia at all, and its counterparts from the companies "Tikkurila" and "Siberia" are an order of magnitude more expensive than conventional paints and varnishes. Therefore, in order to save money, many people try to make a slate coating on their own, using more accessible and inexpensive components for this.

Factory slate paint is available in several colors

5 homemade chalk paint recipes

To make chalk paint with your own hands, you can use several recipes. The essence of each method is to add a fine loose substance to the usual glossy paint, which gives the coating the necessary roughness.

Acrylic or latex wall paint is suitable as the main component. The second one is also made acrylic base, however, due to the addition of rubber to the composition, it has increased strength characteristics. So if we are talking about the manufacture of a chalkboard, the coating of which will be constantly subjected to certain loads, it is better to dwell on the latex version.

As an auxiliary component, you can choose sodium bicarbonate (regular baking soda), calcium carbonate, gypsum, tile grout, and even corn starch. All options have the right to life, and their success primarily depends on the right consistency.

Application of baking soda

Application baking soda

Required proportion:

  • 2/3 paint;
  • 1/3 soda.

The preparation of such a composition is one of the most affordable options, since soda can be bought at any grocery store. The very process of creating paint is quite simple: you need to mix the two components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If the mixture is very thick, adding a little water will help bring it to the desired consistency.

Advice! To avoid lumps, soda or any other bulk material should be added gradually.

When using such a composition, the complete coverage of the treated surface occurs when applying 3 layers of paint. After drying, the finish has a rather massive grainy texture. If it is necessary to get rid of such an effect, for example, for a chalkboard, too much grit is superfluous, it is enough to perform a fine grinding of the surface.

Application of corn starch

Required proportion:

  • 2/3 paint;
  • 1/3 starch.

Just like soda, cornstarch is sold in almost any supermarket and has a very affordable price. The technology for obtaining the desired mixture does not differ from the previous version, the only point is that you may need a little more water to get the mass that is optimal for applying to the surface.

For complete painting of the surface, 2 layers of coating are sufficient. At the same time, the need for fine sanding is also present, since after drying strokes will be clearly visible, which can adversely affect the texture of the finish.

Application of calcium carbonate

Application of calcium carbonate

Required proportion:

  • 2/3 paint;
  • 1/3 calcium carbonate.

The price of 1 kg of fine calcium carbonate powder exceeds 200 rubles, so this chalk paint recipe is not the cheapest. But from the point of view of the result, the addition of chalk allows you to get, perhaps, the best composition, which after drying has a uniform texture and does not require grinding. Full coverage of the part occurs after applying 2 layers of paint. With such a finish, you can safely open not only a chalkboard, but also furniture.

The use of gypsum

Building plaster

Required proportion:

  • 3/4 paint;
  • 1/4 plaster.

The use of building gypsum (alabaster) is one of the most best options taking into account the price / quality ratio. This material is an order of magnitude cheaper than chalk powder, while the coating after 2-layer processing has a uniform matte texture and, subject to the correct consistency of the paint composition, does not require additional grinding.

Note! Gypsum dries very quickly, so after making the mixture, it should be immediately applied to the surface.

The use of tile grout

Tile grout

Required proportion:

  • 3/4 paint;
  • 1/4 grout.

Tile grout is in the middle price range between calcium carbonate and stucco. The quality of the chalk paint obtained with this material is high enough, so you can safely finish furniture with it. As a rule, it is enough to apply 2 coats of such a composition that the coating is uniform and does not have visible defects. In this case, fine grinding is not required, and after the surface has dried, you can immediately draw on it or make inscriptions with chalk.

Master class on making a board for drawing with chalk

Making a chalk board with your own hands with the necessary components is very simple, especially if the master has at his disposal - detailed instructions with compelling illustrations.

Tools and materials

For work you will need the following materials:

  • glossy acrylic latex paint;
  • finely dispersed bulk component (one of those mentioned in the previous section);
  • container and stick for making the mixture;
  • medium hard brush or roller;
  • paper tape, if you need to protect the edges;
  • base for painting.

If the work will be carried out in a residential area, it is desirable to protect the working space from accidental ingress of paintwork material. To do this, you can use oilcloth or old fabric.

Note! The color of the paint for the chalkboard is selected individually. The choice does not have to be limited to the black option. Chalk will be clearly visible on brown, burgundy, blue, green and any other dark surface.

To do slate board, uses a standard tool kit for painting work

Main stages of work

  1. Any material can be used as a base for the board: plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, natural wood or drywall. It is desirable that the base be smooth, without visible defects. Otherwise, it is necessary to sand the surface with sandpaper. The same procedure (grinding) should be performed if the workpiece has a glossy finish. In order for the paint to have good adhesion to the surface, the gloss must be removed.

For this master class, an ordinary cutting board was chosen as the basis, which is available to any hostess

  1. Chalkboard paint can be prepared using any of the methods listed above. Most often, a combination of latex paint with gypsum or tile grout is used for such purposes.

If the surface to be treated has a small area, you can prepare the finish in any improvised container

  1. The resulting mixture should be applied immediately after preparation, as it dries quickly. In order for the coating to turn out uniform, brush strokes should be fairly smooth.

2-layer processing is usually enough to completely paint over the workpiece.

  1. Drying time for chalk paint is in the range of 30 to 60 minutes. If everything has been done correctly, the surface will soon become matte and velvety.

If there are visible irregularities, light sanding with fine-grained sandpaper should be carried out.

  1. After drying, the slate board can be tested for functionality by making a small note or sketching a fun drawing.

The colors of the chalk and the board should be contrasting so that the inscription is well read.

How to care for a slate board

Despite excellent performance characteristics chalk boards, they can be easily scratched by hard objects. Therefore, you should not draw with cheap chalk, since it often contains impurities of sand and small pebbles. For home use, it is better to buy special crayons for drawing, which tend to respect the surface.

Note! The composition of crayons for drawing, in addition to calcium carbonate, includes a coloring pigment and a binder designed to reduce dust formation during operation.

Do not use abrasive material or aggressive cleaners to wipe the inscriptions from the board. To erase the chalk, just apply a damp soft cloth or sponge.

The use of a soft material to clean the board from chalk will significantly extend its service life.

A do-it-yourself chalk board for drawing or writing will allow you to solve several problems at once. Such an accessory will decorate almost any interior, and all important things will be recorded, which means they will be completed. But most importantly, the results of children's creativity will move from the walls, floors and furniture to the surface intended for this.

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